Where do some of you "plus size" ladies shop?

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I just wanted to add that I think what you're doing is really great! It's something I've been working on for the past few months, too. I've been buying tops and dresses from Lane Bryant now and then, been getting back into makeup again, and been getting back to the red I love my hair to be so much. And ya know what? It feels really great to put all that on, and then feel like a million bucks because you're not wearing a t-shirt and jeans (my usual wardrobe). Heck, I've even started to get pedicures! LOL!

Now I find that I'm looking for any and every excuse to wear my new shirts and dresses out! It's really fun to feel so beautiful!

And about your hair...don't worry...you're right...it'll grow back. That's the wonderful thing about hair. And I'd be willing to bet that it looks a lot better than you think it does...:)

seniorcats wrote:

No Peg, these are truly bad hair days. Go enjoy yourself and pamper yourself for a change.
Oh wow - you really helped me put it into perspective - I laughed so hard when I saw the pics....especially this one.

I took a nap and maybe if I say that right now I have "Raging Hormones out of control"....

Its the wrong time for me to be doing major changes because odds are I'm gonna cry 99% of the time. (I should be fine in about 24-48 hours).

I'm at the point in time when chocolate = more valuable than gold....and sanity seems like it would be priceless.

Somebunny called customer service for me because I am not the type of person to complain. Of course, as I told Zin and Art and Robin....it isn't like I could say to them, "Uh....you need to trim this some more...I'm not happy with it." NO....It was " Can you put some of that from the floor back onto my head??"....

So apparently Regis studios (or whoever it is that does the Walmart salons)....is calling me tomorrow on my cell phone to arrange to send me a refund....and to talk to me.

I'm sorta embarassed about this - that I wouldn't speak up for myself in the salon....but I thought that the gal who did my hair was the acting manager and she barely spoke English.....

Anyway....thanks Zin......I think. I wouldn't have called & complained (especially since they couldn't fix it).....but at least I won't feel like the money is wasted.

And this has taught me my lesson about one other thing. I'm gonna find me a good dependable salon with someone I like....and then save up every payday so I go regularly every 8 weeks or whatever to get my hair trimmed....and not let it get so bad again...

Any major change is hard. I used to have hair that went to my butt. Now, it's pretty short and one time I had someone cut it (I was into the whole punk thing in the 80's) and I kid you not - it was like army short!

What color did Zin tell you to go with?
For those who are wondering....I went in WITH THIS PHOTO and asked for this:

I walked out with this:

This is how I dressed today (minus a certain undergarment on top which was in the laundry and I was waiting to put on)....

Art LOVED the outfit and Robin said she'd forgotten how much she missed seeing me in my big skirts till she saw me in this again...

I agree that you need to find a regular salon that you like. The ones in Walmart stink. Look for a smaller "mom and pop" type place. I go to my salon once a month. I have my hair colored every month and a cut every other month. A bargain at any price!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
What color did Zin tell you to go with?
I don't have the original color here on my desk.....but they didn't have that brand (I know the color name was starfish and it was the darkest blonde that they had).

Zin had me get Garnier Nutrisse color #80 (medium natural blonde). I want to say it was called "butternut" or something like that.

I normally go with a light golden brown or something like that because while I was blond as a child - my hair turned sort of mousy brown as I got older...

Peg, I just wanted to say that I think it's wonderful that you are doing these things for YOU. You deserve it:D. I think you'll really like your hair after it's colored. I know I always am;).
maherwoman wrote:
You can check out their selection here.

Thank you - give me a link to a site that has 30% off everything....and I'm bfoke...

With friends like y'all - I really better start praying, "Lead me not into temptation and take away my internet..."

You know what really helps? Go get yourself from frilly, frivolous underwear! Then you can feel really wicked when you're wearing it.

http://www.dressbarn.com/ Dress Barn has nice well made and decently priced clothes in sizes 2 to 28. I don't think they have online shopping but their web site has store locators. They have casual, professional, party, etc. They also have great sales and coupons for new customers.

I like the back of your hair. I can't really see what she did to your sides. It looks like she may have been trying for a page boy(?) and wasn't very skilled. I bet a good hair dresser could do some tapering or laying and make it look more polished.

I lurve ya.. I told you.. once it's straightened..it will look better, I don't know why she curled it.. with that kind of cut she shoulda straightened all of it, and really razored the ends , you could have had a tossed bed head look.

If it helps.. let it grow out a bit.. and I will cut it for you.. the RIGHT way..

What she went in for was a modified European swing bob.. yanno the look that everybody's sportin..longer in the front, short back.. and razored throughout. But I think with color, and a straightening Iron.. it will be fine.

Your hair looks healthier, which is always a plus..dry hair just makes people look older for sure.

I liked complaining.. Sas can attest.. I am good at it..lol

I went in for the same cut.. and all and all she did ok, but it wasn't as wispy as I liked. The kicker was she gave me BANGS.. school girl above my eyebrows bangs.. and I have this huge cowlick in the front she didn't even compensate for.. so I had this thick line of bangs and a flock of seagulls wave..

This was this past October.. I cried and cried and cried..

For those that didn't notice.. I don't do bangs.. I had to go the Faire with crappy bangs..

My point is.. I feel ya Peg.. I do.. and I am so sorry your unhappy..

Here is some of my lurverly hair do's..and I have had some WHOPPERS...

My current fro..


Newly blonded..sunburned, windburned and peeling..


Ima little gothling.. tall and chunky...

This is HORRID.. call me Morticia.. what was I thinking going black..


What the HECK was I thinking.. this was like 2 years ago..


The SEXIEST hair EVA.. engagement pics.. I know you people are jealous of the hair and the well groomed eyebrows..


The hair I hated.. and cried over..


Peg - the good thing about hair is that it does grow back! You look good however, you look SO PRETTY in that outfit! Honestly it looks great on you and so pretty - love the colors. I think it's great that you are pampering yourself a bit and making yourself feel good :)you absolutely deserve it!
GoinBackToCali wrote:

I lurve ya.. I told you.. once it's straightened..it will look better, I don't know why she curled it.. with that kind of cut she shoulda straightened all of it, and really razored the ends , you could have had a tossed bed head look.

Robin brushed it out for me a bit and was sort of straightening it with her hands.

I cried.

I don't like it "straight" either....I did not take a photo and I'm not gonna take one tonight- I'm just too tired

I think the worst part was....this is the haircut I get to have when I go home to see my mom next month (May 5th). She's 80 years old and I've never ever done anything right as far as clothes, hair or makeup in her eyes. She dressed me till I was through high school....with her coloring and styles. Nothing I ever wear gets a true compliment...just that fake "oh..that looks nice". Hair? Huh...she'd have me cut it and have it be straight and short like hers....and color? She wants to know why I'm not STILL blond like I was as a kid. I've tried explaining that my hair turned darker as I got older....but at 80 - she's starting to repeat the same information 3 times in a 15 minute conversation....so I doubt she'll remember that it turned mousy yucky brown as I got older..

Yeah...I'm SO looking forward to this trip home...NOT.

If it helps.. let it grow out a bit.. and I will cut it for you.. the RIGHT way..

I'm sure that Art is up for a 6-8 hour car trip one way so I can get my hair cut. Yep.....(actually - after seeing me almost cry in Walmart today - he probably would've gotten in the car and driven me to your place...he kept trying to make me smile and laugh).

What she went in for was a modified European swing bob.. yanno the look that everybody's sportin..longer in the front, short back.. and razored throughout. But I think with color, and a straightening Iron.. it will be fine.

If I think I can do it without totally blowing it....the color comes tomorrow. I can kinda hardly wait but I'm scared witless on what will go wrong with this. I haven't blonde in years...

Your hair looks healthier, which is always a plus..dry hair just makes people look older for sure.

I'm glad it looks healthier - I guess. I mean..yeah...I'm glad about that. I am just still in shock. I hate hate hate getting haircuts. It is something I detest and I have to get to the point of desperation to do - usually because I'm so hot in the Texas heat OR I'm getting headaches from my long THICK hair...

I liked complaining.. Sas can attest.. I am good at it..lol

Not touching that w/ a 10 foot pole...
seniorcats wrote:
You know what really helps? Go get yourself from frilly, frivolous underwear! Then you can feel really wicked when you're wearing it.

Now that I could go for. Maybe not frilly - but something I really like. I put on some underwear today and told Robin, "I hate this underwear..." and she said, "So toss it..".

I'm going to..

http://www.dressbarn.com/ Dress Barn has nice well made and decently priced clothes in sizes 2 to 28. I don't think they have online shopping but their web site has store locators. They have casual, professional, party, etc. They also have great sales and coupons for new customers.

Thanks - the closest store is 180 miles away...but if we're ever up in San Antonio on a shopping trip - I'll keep them in mind.

I like the back of your hair. I can't really see what she did to your sides. It looks like she may have been trying for a page boy(?) and wasn't very skilled. I bet a good hair dresser could do some tapering or laying and make it look more polished.

I've got to say that I do sorta like the back....not that I could see it and she never handed me a mirror to turn around and look at the back in the big mirror....and I didn't ask.

When I put my glasses on .... my ears teared up and they met Art's eyes in the mirror and he sorta gave me this half smile of "I know you're hurting and upset...you'll make it".

When I went to pay her...he was beside me with his arm around me and just....reassuring me by his touch and presence.

When we walked out he was like, "You don't like it...do you. I don't think it looks that bad..." but I was already speed-dialing Zin - not so much to cry (I held back from crying till we left the store) ...but to get the color information again since I didn't have my paper and I hadn't seen that name/number on a coloring box.

He really did great though - I gotta tell you - lots of hugs and being close to me and just sorta letting me know continually by his touch that he thought I was attractive to him (I think he knows how I agonize over going into hair salons).

He even pushed me to buy myself some tanning moisturizer stuff that I wanted to try....

I'm sorry - I'm sitting here bawling as I type.

Zin - I think that my fear of dentists (I shake as I drive by them) has now been overcome by my fear of sitting in a salon.....or at least THAT salon....

So maybe there is hope I can get my teeth done in the future....(major work).

Till then - I think I'll color my hair and keep on working on my clothes and putting on my makeup..

GoinBackToCali wrote:
Well you know where I shop already, but for anybody else looking for trendy clothes..

http://www.oldnavy.com (online is the ONLY OldNavy place to get plus clothes)
Ok - so maybe this isn't trendy...but I did order these...


I ordered that in warm fire red, bright coral and melon mai tai


I ordered that in warm fire red, viridian & peach punch

I am SO dying for these to get here....

I'm going to try everything on along with what I have....and then decide if I should return stuff or not....I'm not overly thrilled about tanks....but I can see where they can make a person look smaller than a tshirt would....

I feel your pain about not liking the cut, been there, not fun.:hug:

I know you said that you don't even like it straight, but with a good quality straightener, you'd be amazed how it can make your hair look. I've even taken a razor to my hair here at home if I don't think it was razored enough, helps thin it out in places a bit.

If you don't like that, here's something I do when I get sick of mine and wearing it the same way. I have some scrunching spray that makes me look like I have a perm when I use it. Maybe that would look cute;)? You just spray it in your hair after a shower, scrunch and blow dry.

If that doesn't work, take Zin up on her offer to cut it for you when it grows out a bit:).
TinysMom wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
You can check out their selection here.

Thank you - give me a link to a site that has 30% off everything....and I'm bfoke...

With friends like y'all - I really better start praying, "Lead me not into temptation and take away my internet..."
I'm sorry...I didn't mean to send you something when you're broke...:(

I hope things work out, though. I've had a few hated haircuts before...and the best advice I could ever have was to wait til it grew out. The wonderful thing about it is that in a month, it'll have grown out enough that you can get the cut you WANTED...so you've still got the ability to look wonderful for your trip to your mom's. :)

:hug: Keep bein' brave...and hang in there! This'll all work out...sometimes it just takes a few kinks gettin' worked out...:)
maherwoman wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
You can check out their selection here.

Thank you - give me a link to a site that has 30% off everything....and I'm bfoke...

With friends like y'all - I really better start praying, "Lead me not into temptation and take away my internet..."
I'm sorry...I didn't mean to send you something when you're broke...:(
Rosie - I wasn't upset or offended....I was sitting here dying laughing...I'm sorry - I should've put a laughing bunny on here...

Let me see if I can find one...


Ok - maybe that will work?

I'm laughing because it seems like I always come across sales AFTER I've spent money and am broke.....so its sorta the story of my life!

ZIN - are you talking the haircut like Katie Holmes? long on the sides and shorter in the back? I just cute my hair that way LOL!

I have naturally curly hair now that I am older but I can wear it straight, curly, flipped out, and I mostly tuck it behind my ears..... I love the cut.

PEG - be sure not to part it directly in the center. That's always a no-no. just a bit to either side of center.

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