Hmmm, I like Polish and Tans, which is what we raise now...but I have to say that Himalayans are my favorite, at least until I find something I like better.
I've had a Mini Lop, who was the best rabbit ever. I have a Dutch now and she's a handful, but super smart.
I really like the way Dutch rabbits look, especially the Chin color.
But I would have to say that if I ever get another rabbit, it would be a Tan. (Preferably one of Sarah's!) I just love the way they look, they have such wonderful color definition. I think the Blues are my favorite, but really, you can't beat a Black. They're just so athletic and lovely looking. But I've never actually had one to know what their personalities are like. But when I see Tans I pretty much swoon!
Without ever having owned them and going off looks alone, Tans, Belgians or Dutch. And of course the Smoke Pearl, which is what Bandit is, but I know that's not a recognised breed in the states.
That aside, I like pretty much any bunny with stand-up ears.
But when picking out a rabbit I go by personality and not breed. Funnily enough I've only really "picked out" 2 of my 5 rabbits. The other three were acquired by chance (but I did choose to keep them).
Holland Lops are my favorite! I love their short, stocky type and cute look. But above all, their personalities are fantastic. My bucks are the type to run right to you for attention, just like a young puppy. They'll even follow me around when they're out. The does are a little less forward, but still very sweet and friendly.
Polish are my second favorite, personality-wise. But none of the other breeds I've worked with are that social.
That I've owned, Netherland Dwarfs. My Nethie boy is a baby. He's easy to handle (until you whip out medicine) and actively seeks me for comfort.
Visually, Nethies are still my favorites because they come in such an array of colors! I've kinda got a soft spot for Himalayans and French Angoras, though - especially the orange self or broken ones!!
French lops are my heart breed and tans are a super close second (AW thank you Morgan I'd love to get you one! Lol)
Other breeds I love are Brits and due to my mother himis have grown on me. I like the more active breeds like tans and Brits but frenchies and himis have just as much personality they are just more subtle about it lol