Haley wrote:
Oh yes, Tumnus and I both :heart:the name Daisy Mae.
I also love the names Fey and Sprite..it fits them very well!
And I love the names, Loki, Ziggy, Wesley, and Tiny (only for a flemish:yes

...and I know theres so many more that Im not thinking of...
And I love almost all bunny names that are human names, and definitely those with middle names.
:yeahthat And we can't forget Teresa Mekare.

(And Connor Grayson, Samantha Jane and Ringo Starr, butTeresa is still my top bun)
What ever happened to Tender Juicy Floppy Leg?
I'm abig fan of 'Harper'.... might even bemyfav.
And Carolyn's Tucker was always one of my favourites, and Cali was too cool too...
Bo. B. Bunny and his little friend Clover...Ilike Miss Bea and Shopgirl... and Fey andSprite... Domino ...
And Pepsi

and Lenci (RIP)... and Perry and Pernod (it's so hard to separate those names)
Aina's Ronnie (don't think aboutwhite bunnies)isright up there.
Livingstone is definitely another forum fav or mine, and 'Elf' foraFlemish is funny, too.:biggrin:
Gabby's Brice... and I must say I like Drizzle...And Elizabeth's 'Eva' is notonly one of my favourite names(as is her new friend, Andrew), but my favourite lookingbunnies!
AndI'llalways have a soft spot for poor old Smelly.
There's tons more, but it's way too late!
Ohhhh! How could I have forgotten Sparky andScooter?Love those names! (Two more seeminglyinseperable ones, too!)