Whats The Best Cage?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2007
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Holland, Ohio, USA
[align=center]:bunnydance:I was wondering what the best cage or cage size was for a bun? I wantit small enough to fit in my room, but big enough that the bun dontfeel smushed or confined. Thanks :bunnydance:
I made mine with the wire cubes you hooktogether (Target has them) It's 4ft x 4ft But my bunny runs around allday, I think its a decent size and way cheaper than buying one! A lotof people on here did it. They call them NIC cages.

:bunnydance:Julia and Pepsi:bunnydance:
[align=center]Thosecages are very cute, but I was a little frightened that the bottom hasno pan or anything. I dont want my bun using the restroom on my carpet.I also dont want my bun to chew on my carpet. Any suggestions?
Im guessing you are getting your bunny fixed, which will make it ALOT easier to litter train him/her.

But...some can never be trained, my Phinn is one of those. Ive tried everything!

I just put indoor/outdoor carpet on the bottom of his cage, underneathhis cage and then one of the plastic mats you put underneath a computerchair. That keeps the pee off. Oh and ALOT of cage cleaning:D

Good luck!
What are the dimensions of just one single gridsquare on NIC cages? I'm also trying to figure out how tobuild and where to put one when I do get one for my bunny.
A single grid is 14x14. I used stick on tiles onthe floor of my cage, attached to a piece of wood. It's super easy toclean up if anything gets on it. The tiles were too slick for Miss Vegathough, so we have some mats that we got at Deals on top of that.

There is a pic of the cage in the NIC cages thread. Hope this helps!
That's less than a metre, maybe about 80cm, by about 45 cm, but about 42 cm

Knowing my lops, that would be far too small for them, as adults at anyrate. And personally, I probably wouldn't put my netherland dwarfs in ahutch that size, but that might be personal preference.
Honestly, that's pretty small for a petrabbit. And those starter cages are really hard to cleancompared to a dog crate or NIC panel. And those doors arefriggin' annoying, especially if you have to pick up a rabbit insideit's cage. I know, that's exactly what I started with and mytiny 2 lb dwarf girl definately considered it too small.You'd be surprised how many people buy those then make an NIC cage afew months later after getting frustrated with them and wanting morespace and something easier to clean.

I'm not sure what kind of rabbit you are getting, but I had to keep mydwarf hotot Fey, who is only 3.5 lbs, in that cage for a few weekswhile recovering from an injury. I called it the "Mommy HatesMe" cage. She was soooooo sad in it.:(


In the back is the cage she shared with her sister. It's anNIC cage that was 2x4 grids with a 1x4 grid second level. Sothat's 28x56 inches wide/long. It cost about $45 to make, ifI remember correctly.

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