What to feed?......

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Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Barrington, NH, ,
The Angora bunnies I got last week were being fed"Sweet Meadow" pellets (here's a link to the nutrition info:http://www.sweetmeadowfarm.com/pellets.html) so I have been feedingthem that as well. I have heard so many different things from SO manydifferent people, I guess I would just like some insight. A woman fromthe House Rabbit Society told me to feed Bunny 16 by Blue Seal, anotherwoman recommended Oxbow Bunny Basics, another said to feed Nutrena; thelist goes on! I am happy with the nutritional content of the SweetMeadow Pellets, but I don't know it's the right thing to be feedingthese buns. They are 13 weeks old today if that matters, lol! Thanks!
Hi :). Even though Nutreenaand Blue Seal are really good, I think oxbow is the best and I think alot of other people in here do.

Edit: You should also be feeding alfalfa hay tothemand when they are6 or 7months givethem timothy hay. :)
I'm not an expert by any means, but itis my understanding Angoras need a pellet with a higher protein contentthan most rabbits due to the amount of fur that they grow.

Might even have alfalfa hay recommended for the same purpose, I am notsure. Some posters here might be better able toadvise you regarding angora needs. There is no doubt in mymind that they do have "special" requirements.

With that in mind, I would not take anyone's general advice unless theyhad angora experience. Must be some angora sites on theInternet.

Pellet preferences of people are just that, preferences. Idon't want to say it is a "black art" like voodoo or something, but itoften appears that way. It is difficult to makedirect comparisons between feeds even if you "know" most of theingredients. All manufacturers claim their's is thebest and will have their supporters. In truth, feed can varyfrom mill to mill of the same company, there are many decent locallyproduced pellets, and some international brands seen most frequently inmajor pet chain outletsare, perhaps, some of the worst onecan give their bun(s).

Some generalizations that might hold is that pellets purchased fromlegitimate feed stores tend to be better than pet store brands, fresherand more nutritional. Most people feed an alfalfa basedpellet(angoras made need them), with a growing number of pet ownersmoving toward timothy based pellets because of their lower proteincontent as opposed to that of alfalfa. The lower protein mayin fact be healthier for the average adult bun

All the more commonly heard names tend to sell a good product, Purina,Nutreena, Heinold, Blue Seal, Ox Bow and others. Most people"hunt and peck" until they find a feed that seems to work best fortheir buns, breeders and showers that is. Some pet ownersaren't as choosy and will feed whatever comes along at the leastexpensive price.

I would advise attending a local rabbit show and asking contestantswhat they feed their rabbit(s) and why, especially any angora breedersyou might come across. Take it all in, do a little researchon your own, mull it over in your own mind, and I'm sure you will comeup with a viable pellet for your buns.



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