What the heck is that?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
I just got home from volunteering at the shelter. There are three new bunnies. *sigh* I was checking out their personalities so I could put notes on the cages about what they are like. This one boy was very sweet, 8 lb tri-color whose owner had died and he had obviously been well cared for and loved. Not neutered, of course. He was friendly and interested in me, but nothing beyond normal.

So... I pick him up and feel something under his rear. That doesn't feel right. What the heck is that? Flip him over...

OH MY GOD!!!:shock::shock::shock:

Ginormous bunny erection! Holy poop that's big!:yuck

I went to the lady in charge and asked if he could get neutered ASAP! That is something I have never seen before, and didn't really need too. I'll stick with the rex that licks my shirt, thanks.
LOL! :roflmao:

This happens when I pick up my neighbours bunny boy Bubbles when I bun sit for them. :blushan::blushan: I've not mentioned the problem :shock::shock:;).
Sure makes me glad Tiny is neutered now that he's become affectionate w/ me.....
OHMYGOD...you mean I might actually EXPERIENCE something like that?!:shock:
If I do, I can only say...I will immediately be like this: :faint:

And here I was hoping bunnies didn't get erections...haha!! Guess THAT was a wrong assumption, eh? SHEESH!
I've seen that too. My very first rabbit wasn't neutered and I remember picking him up once while he had one. Very long indeed.

I was only about 10 at the time too... Never told anyone about it either...

Haha they are nasty slimey little things, arent they? Basil used to get them all the time before he was neutered. So gross.
Sorry, but that's rather funny.:p

With my first rabbit, Bun Bun, before he was neutered, would circle and hump my leg, proceed to stand up on his hind legs and dear Lord, what did I see?:shock: Looked like a short piece of spaghetti (for those who are curious):p.

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