If you don't have much money you don't have to buy cc at all, you can make it yourself bu crushing your pellets and adding some water to them so you can feed with syringe. I don't have cc at all.
The whole idea of using cc is that if your rabbit stopped eating you need to give something so his gut could keep moving, otherwise he can get blockage. Oxbow cc possibly has some more ingredients needed but it's expensive and it has its expiration date as well so crushed pellets with water always at hand and you can feed them if really needed. But try to avoid bad situations just make sure your rabbits eat lots of hay and only healthy snacks, no grain or seed, no dairy, yoghurt etc, even if pet stores selling them they are bad for your rabbits.
I adopted 2 year old rabbit 4-5 months ago, he was fed baby corn for snacks and dairy/grain balls also his food was with coloured hoops, flakes and grain. He had horrible blockage it was so bad I thought he will die. We spent lots of time trying to fix that and in 5-6 days he was better, now he's only getting healthy food and lots of hay and never any problem, his poos are perfect and a lot. . So try to keep healthy diet hay hay hay regularly and a lot, then you won't need cc or pay vets bills at all.
The whole idea of using cc is that if your rabbit stopped eating you need to give something so his gut could keep moving, otherwise he can get blockage. Oxbow cc possibly has some more ingredients needed but it's expensive and it has its expiration date as well so crushed pellets with water always at hand and you can feed them if really needed. But try to avoid bad situations just make sure your rabbits eat lots of hay and only healthy snacks, no grain or seed, no dairy, yoghurt etc, even if pet stores selling them they are bad for your rabbits.
I adopted 2 year old rabbit 4-5 months ago, he was fed baby corn for snacks and dairy/grain balls also his food was with coloured hoops, flakes and grain. He had horrible blockage it was so bad I thought he will die. We spent lots of time trying to fix that and in 5-6 days he was better, now he's only getting healthy food and lots of hay and never any problem, his poos are perfect and a lot. . So try to keep healthy diet hay hay hay regularly and a lot, then you won't need cc or pay vets bills at all.
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