My Lucky (7ish month old flemish giant mix maybe?) will:
- Sometimes come when I call his name, but he will almost always come out of hiding when I loudly say "WHERE'S MY LUCK DUCK AT??" He will come running out from under the desk or the bed and come running over to my feet. XD
- follow me around the room, even to the bathroom. If I shut the door, he will scratch at it like a dog. If I leave it open, he will sit (or stretch out) right where the tile and carpet meet and watch me. If I'm in there too long, he will come and check up on me, walk up to my feet and kind of do a slight periscope to look up at me. If he is satisfied with whatever he is looking for, he will just start circling my feet, or sit next to them and wait for me to leave.
- LOVES to play circle, circle, circle around my feet. Sometimes he will play the circle game when I'm laying down, and he just runs basically around my head and shoulders a couple of times.
- climbs up on my arms, shoulders and lap. Not found of big snuggling or holding (yet!).
- In the morning and the evening, we have to have a BIG grooming session. He will come up to me and put his head down, asking to be groomed. I will rub his cheeks because that is his favorite (though, he isn't picky. Just stay away from the chest and chin and it's all good). I will "groom" him for mabye about 15- 20 mins before he sits up and decides it is my turn to be groomed for about 20 mins. Sometimes he spends his whole time working one just one finger! If I move my hand away, he will follow it and grab it and basically tell me he was not done yet and to get over there.
- Also in the morning and the evening he will come and lay next to me. If I start petting him, it isn't long before he has bunny flopped over and is sleeping for a little bit.
- At night, right after I settle down in bed to go to sleep, Lucky will come and get on my pillow and give me my final grooming of the day. He will lick my forehead and pat down my hair, and pick at it... I guess checking me for fleas? Haha, it's pretty cute, but sometimes he will spend way too long doing this and I just want to go to bed, so I just slowly start inching my blanket up until my head is covered up. He will still stand there and I can feel his little eyes staring at me in disbelief that I would cut grooming short.
- If I sleep in, Lucky will alert me to the fact that he has not had his pellet breakfast yet by standing on my pillow or nudging me on my face or hand.
- He has never been a very aggressive or angry bunny. He is very zen. No bites, no thumps, no angry ignoring me (except for when I had surgery in Jan and was recovering for a few weeks away from him. I got ignored for that when I came home!).... but he will get a little irked if my foot is in his walking path. He will just headbutt my foot until I move it and he can continue walking. Sometimes he will headbutt my hand if I try to pet him and he doesn't want to be petted.
- I have woken up before in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I have been surprised to find Lucky laying in bed next to me. Not cuddling, but being pretty close.
And I'm not the only one Lucky "talks" to. I have an italian greyhound, Ginger. *points to avatar picture* Lucky loves her. He plays circle, circle, circle with her, they play chase ( they take turns on who is chasing who), they will lay in bed together, sleep next to each other, steal each others food from the others mouth ( -.- I keep trying to tell lucky he does not want dog treats and ginger doesn't want hay and carrots. ). He will follow her around. The other day, I even caught him putting his head down in front of her, asking for her to groom him! But Ginger didn't understand, so she just pressed her cheek up against his forehead (she loves to have her cheeks kissed). It was so cute, I just about died!! And Ginger loves him too. She will take her toys to Lucky, wanting him to play with them. They don't exactly understand each other, but they a friends anyways.