What kind of hay???

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What kind of hay?

  • Timothy

  • Orchard

  • Blend

  • Other

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
Riverside, California, USA
The reason I'm asking is I'm thinking of switching hay for Twigs. He currently is on Orchard, but doesn't eat the small pieces, which is most of it. And I'm wondering what everybun else eats and if Timothy is better.
I have a coastal/bermuda blend. It's yummy. Sometimes, Mommy throws in some Timothy hay as a treat, but it's hard to find by the bale here, so usually I get my blend hay. It does make me sneeze sometimes, though, but I don't mind because it tastes so good!!
Foo gets a timothy, botanical, oat blend. She was getting orchard instead of oat, but I'm allergic to it. So we're trying oat right now, she's not too hip on it but she's getting used to it.
She LOVES the mix she gets and it helps her eat the timothy better, since thats not her favorite at all.
Peppy gets botanical but I'm thinking about adding either timothy or oat to it.
MiserySmith wrote:
Peppy gets botanical but I'm thinking about adding either timothy or oat to it.
Botanical is already timothy, but it has flowers and such in it. So going with something not timothy would probably be better. Or you could buy some dried flowers and put them in regular timothy hay.

I feed timothy. Felix gets alfalfa as well since he is only 4 month. I occasionally buy other hay as a treat, but they don't seem to like it all that much.
mine still get some alfalfa, but I'm weaning them off of it (which they HATE). I'd feed them oat if I could find it by the bale, but $5 for 3 lbs is outrageous... so they're stuck with coastal because that's what's available by the bale in my area.
I feed mostly Timothy (they LOVE it and I can get it buy the bail everywhere for cheep, + it is really good for them). They get the rare treat of a little Oat hay that I got from BinkyBunny for a rediculus price.
We give mainly horse quality coastal. Sometimes we also give orchard or timothy. And as a special treat some get alfalfa cubes. But mostly the coastal
our 4-5 month old thrianta eats mainly alfalfa, i mix oat hay in it every couple of days.

and our big black bun whos 2 years old eats all oat hay.

they both love the stuff, but of coarse the baby bun loves the alfalfa more.
I use the same blend as Christina. My buns are thriving and it gives them plenty of variety;)
Lucky used to be fed a blend of whatever was avaliable. Our neighbors owned holstein cattle, so we got what he gave us. It was normally a mix of 1st & 2nd cut oat, timothy, meadow, alfafa, orchard, and other grass hays. Was the cheapest way to do it at the time.
I can't have Timothy around me for too long or my eyes get watery and try to glue shut while I'm sleeping. It was rather a painful and uncomfortable experience.

So I feed Harvey Orchard and Oat. Oh and he really loved willow leaves, but those are hard to find.

What are the meadow and coastal hays?
coastal's a type of horse hay that's popular in many areas - pet stores won't sell it, but feed stores sell it by the bale.
Horse hay all the way...it is the best in my opinion! It is also far more reasonably priced for what you get...an average 40 pound bale/$4-$8....I have never paid more than $6.50/bale!
I can't change my answer on the poll, but I voted for "other" because my bunns wouldn't eat *anything* but oat... just discovered a new hay supplier whose 80% orchard/20% alfalfa blend is a HUGE hit with my bunnies, so I primarily feed them that now with a little bit of oat here and there. I'm getting a free sample from the place of their plain orchard and will try to eventually wean them onto that so they're not getting any alfalfa (they're only 7 mos old, so I'm not really worried about them getting a little bit for now, but in the long run I want them off it completely).

I order my hay from http://www.sierravalleyhay.com/Orders.html now and will probably be doing so for the lifetime of my bunns, since they're brats and won't eat the feed store coastal. it's a good price as far as hay that has to be shipped to you goes... though I'd much rather be paying $10.50 per 80 lb bale of coastal :p

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