Unlimited plain alfalfa pellets with no seeds, nuts, or extra treats in them. Unlimited hay. Now that she's 12 weeks, you can start to slowly introduce fresh veggies to her. Make sure that you are only using veggies that are good for bunnies, no iceburg lettuce. My bunnies like cilantro and green leaf lettuce. You start with just giving a tiny piece and then after a whole day if her poops don't get soft and are normal poops, then you can give her another piece a little bigger. Then if her poops are good the next day, you can give another bigger piece. after 3 days if her poops are ok, you can keep giving her the same veggie and also try a different one doing it the same way. Any time you give your bunny something new or change her food, you should always give a little bit at a time, or change her food a little bit at a time, to make sure her tummy is ok with it and give her stomach time to adjust to having different food. Be really careful about giving sugary treats like fruit. You're only supposed to give no more than a tiny piece each day, and carrots are considered a treat cause they are a little sugary. I have a bigger rabbit that is about 5 lbs. and she only gets one little baby carrot each day. Some rabbits can't have any sugary treats because they have extra sensitive stomachs that can't handle extra sugars very well and they get sick. I have one rabbit that can't have any sugars or grains because he'll get sick, so he gets special pellets that don't have sugar or grain in them, he get's hay, and green leafy veggies, and that's all. I think I told you in another topic, about always checking on her poop, and that if she doesn't have the normal round poops, all about the same size then there is something wrong with her digestion. So as long as her poops stay normal then she is ok with what you are feeding her. Sometimes you'll see the cecotropes that look like clustered grapes and those are normal too, but normally you don't see them cause your rabbit is supposed to be eating them. When she's 6 mo. old then she won't get unlimited pellets anymore, but she will still get unlimited grass hay.