What is Nutrical?...dumb question of the day

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gypsy wrote:
Angie , First of all the only DumbQuestion is the One that Didnt Get Asked .
That is exactly what my late godmother used to tell me all the time!!

different countries call things by different names, andwithout you knowing what it is how are you going to know what to askfor??? So I say your question was a valid one.
i found Nutri-Cal :bunnydance:. At a Global PetFoods, THANKS SHUU!!! They only had one and it was hidden away. theyare holding it for me till i pick it up.

So part of my search is over, now if i could only find some dang WoodyPet.
Nicky Snow wrote:
i found Nutri-Cal :bunnydance:. At a Global Pet Foods,THANKS SHUU!!! They only had one and it was hidden away. they areholding it for me till i pick it up.

Make sure you check the expiration date ;)


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