What is Nutrical?...dumb question of the day

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Nov 30, 2005
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Everyone on this site talks about Nutricaland I don't even know what its for. Please tell me as Iprobably should get some as it sounds important
Carolyn wrote:
NutriCal (marketed for cats and dogs and costs about $12 at any petsupply store) stimulates their appetite, boosts their immune system,gives them the nutrients and vitamins they're missing, and keeps theirsystem moving.
Not a dumb question at all!!

You'll find it in most bunnie owner's fridges ;)
It's a dietary supplement sold for dogs and cats. It works wonders in rabbits as well though.

1) It boosts their immune system, 2) stimulates their appetite, 3)provides nutrients needed if they go off their feed, 4) has substancessimilar to laxatone promoting them to go to the bathroom.

Comes in a tube that you can purchase at a pet supply store and costs between $10-$17.


It's counterpart in the U.K. is Nutriplus or Science Recovery.

Once opened, it's recommended to store in a cool area.

Angie , First of all the only Dumb Question is the One that Didnt Get Asked .

Never fear asking questions , thats one ofthe reasons all us Rabbit Nutscongrigate in this forum . to help and answerquestions.

It has the consistency of toothpaste...quite easy to syringe. ;)
loplover wrote:
so is it like a paste
More like a gel . it isnt thick like toothpaste , its more liquid than that , itsgreat stuff , works wonders.

I would like to advise , Any One with a Shell fish allergy toremember to use gloves and orwash hands thouroughly after using it . PreferablyBoth depending on your sensativity level , mineis dangerous it take barely anyto make me react.

I am allergic to shellfish and have a reaction to Nutri-calbecasue of the Iodine content , My Favoritedisinfectant is Vanodine , again Iodine based by a mere 3% but more than enough to make me react .
gypsy wrote:
loplover wrote:
so is it like a paste
More like a gel . it isnt thick like toothpaste , its more liquid than that , itsgreat stuff , works wonders.

I stand corrected :D...you're right gypsy.....more like a gel.

In the fridge it thickens up.

Very interesting about the reaction due to shellfish allergy, too. Thanks for that info.
It could be a dumb question, JimD, because I'vebeen :)a bunny owner for many years but I will excuse myself because Ihave been on rabbits forum for less than a month

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