He's a cutie

He clearly feels very bonded with you. Enjoy every minute of it. When they become teenagers, you never know how they'll change. Though I will say that it's usually the girls that get grumpy. The boys often just become even more affectionate(or overly affectionate) due to hormones.
Binkies are a little different than what your rabbit was doing. They're more of a head or body shake, sometimes kicking their back feet out, while the bunny jumps in the air, or even sometimes just standing there they'll do a mini binky or a head binky, where they kind of shake their body or their head, or both.
This is binkying(in slow motion).
And this video, though it's labeled binkies, it's actually not but more of the zoomies and quick turns like your rabbit was doing. Binkies, zoomies, popcorning, quick turns are all rabbit play, which is essentially rabbits feeling safe and happy enough to practice their escape moves.
And one more, just because I love it

It's a combination of zoomies, quick turns, and binkies.