What is going on lately?

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
Durham, England, , United Kingdom
Everyday I come on RO and am saddened to see more of our beautiful bunnies are getting sick or passing on to the rainbow bridge, including of course my beloved Ruby.:tears2:

What is going on? I wish whatever it is would stop, we all need some happiness with our buns about now, we have had enough sadness and loss lately to last us a life time.:(
I agree. I cried myself to sleep last night after hearing about Marshmellow. I just cant take any more heartbreak.
I know... I have been feeling the same. I can't believe how many beautiful buns have gone this month. And we cry for every one of those buns as though they were our own. It's been so very rough. :(
i was saying the same thing to my mom today, it is awful. I hope what ever it is it stops.

i am so sorry for everyone who is battling illness with there buns, and dealing with the grief of the buns that passed, and i am still praying for Michelle's buns and there safe return.
Ohhh I wanna play too :biggrin2:

It's been really rough in RO lately. I am so happy to have been part of it though. You guys really are awesome. :)
Aww...I've been doin other stuff, because no one came by. :(

Now I have to go clean for D&D night tonight...:(

Oh, to heck with it...I'll play a couple games...:D
You are all hereby under direct orders to cuddle your bunnies, whether they like it or not!

Hmm, maybe I should take video of the buns flicking me off after being cuddled?:p
It's times like these, that I am so so so so so so so so so so grateful that I'm so fat and ugly that I can't get a job :p.

I really need to make the most of being able to be at home with my bunnies all day.
NZminilops wrote:
It's times like these, that I am so so so so so so so so so so grateful that I'm so fat and ugly that I can't get a job :p.

:nonono:You are not fat OR ugly, don't you DARE call yourself that missy!


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