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Feb 28, 2006
Reaction score
Mazamitla, , Mexico
Zarzamora is a replacement bunny for our little girl sonrisa, who died suddenly and rather strangely several weeks ago.

She was about 8 weeks old, we had her for two weeks before she passed. She seemed healthy and active. The only thing off about her was she didn't seem to be growing as fast as the other rabbits. She lived in an enclosure with two other does. She was checked on at 11:30 am, and was fine. By 3:15 pm, she was laying on her side, unresponsive in her cage. My initial thought was a broken back. I was able to pinch her extremities with no reaction. The only reaction I was getting was a blink response when I touched the corner of her eye.

It was siesta time and the vets didn't reopen for hours. She had a series of grand mal siezures before she finally passed away, about 45 minutes later.

After she was gone, I felt along her spine for a break, or maloclusion, and couldn't find one. Does this sound like a spinal fracture to you? Can a rabbit with a broken spine siezure like that? Might it have been some kind of toxin? Or infection? The other two does were and continue to be just fine.

Any ideas what could have happened to little sonrisa? If I can avoid it happening again, I would do anything. It was just aweful to watch, and there was nothing I could do.
I'm so sorry about Sonrisa. I am not an expert, but it does not sound like a fracture or a malocclussion problem to me. There are a lot of causes for sudden death, and it's really hard to know without a necropsy.

One thing I have noticed is that deaths such as this are more common with young rabbits, especially those that were weaned young. This may be because of the weaning, or it could be from the stress of the location and food changes that happen when the bunny is brought home. Unfortunately, problems like this can become fatal before many symptoms show up.

There are a couple of theories floating around about vitamin deficiencies, but this should not happen if the rabbit has been fed decent pellets.

You might find this thread interesting:
Causes of Sudden Death in Small Animals

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