What does rabbit eat.

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magicapple wrote:
Oo yea my rabbit, its butt is dirty how do I clean it? And near the peeing part, its kinda yellow
Is it poop stuck on his butt, or what is it dirty with? Have you been keeping his cage clean? Does he have soft poops or is he having problems urinating? Have you changed his diet a lot lately (more veggies/fruits than normal, different veggies/fruits, switched to a new pellet brand without mixing the types first)? As long as the cage is kept clean, he should be able to keep himself clean. A dirty bottom usually means something is wrong.

This site shows you how to clean his butt, but you also need to figure out why he's getting dirty.

I think he sat on something.

My mom chopped apples into very small pieces and the juice is like everywhere. And my mom put it near it's butt so I guess the rabbit got it from there. It's like at the part where the tail and butt connect. The part where the rabbit does it's thing is just yellow. I think its from the pee.
I gave him apples before. Now to think about it, I think my rabbit's poop is kina soft now becuz I see the poop all flat on the bottom of the cage. Is something wrong with the rabbit. ABout it's feeding, I usually give it pelets and things that come with the pelets. I feed it vegie and fruits once in a while. Oh yea I just gave it a strawberry which it never ate before.
Don't feed it any apple or strawberries for awhile, atleast a few days after the poop has cleared up. Then only give a tiny amount.