What does rabbit eat.

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ilovetegocalderon wrote:
As MyBunnyBoys said, make sure you get rid of the cedarright away. It is not good for rabbits at all. It'sdangerous for them.
I used to use those bedding for my hamsters.If those bedings are soo bad, why do people still sell them?
magicapple wrote:
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
AsMyBunnyBoys said, make sure you get rid of the cedar rightaway. It is not good for rabbits at all. It'sdangerous for them.
I used to use those bedding for my hamsters.If those bedings are soo bad, why do people still sell them?
It's still sold because people still buy it. Anything for abuck, you know? Products for animals do not have the samesafety requirements that products for people do.
Yes, definitely get rid of the cedar. One of thebest litters is woody pet (http://woodypet.com/), and it'sfairly cheap, too. As for diet my bunnies each get 1/4 cup of oxbowtimothy pellets in the morning, 1-1/2 cups of mixed veggies at night,unlimited water, unlimited oxbow hay (timothy, orchard, oat), andunlimited water. For variety, they get maybe 1-2 (at most) papaya tabsor craisins per day.
thx.:inlove:At least my rabbit will be eating right.

But I can't find that woody's bedding. Ionly know where is apetland and petco. I don't think either of them sells wood's beddings.
naturestee wrote:
magicapple wrote:
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
AsMyBunnyBoys said, make sure you get rid of the cedar rightaway. It is not good for rabbits at all. It'sdangerous for them.
I used to use those bedding for my hamsters.If those bedings are soo bad, why do people still sell them?
It's still sold because people still buy it. Anything for abuck, you know? Products for animals do not have the samesafety requirements that products for people do.
Then why do people buy it if it's soo bad. The petshop told me it was good. So I bought a big bag.
magicapple wrote:
naturestee wrote:
magicapple wrote:
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
AsMyBunnyBoys said, make sure you get rid of the cedar rightaway. It is not good for rabbits at all. It'sdangerous for them.
I used to use those bedding for my hamsters.If those bedings are soo bad, why do people still sell them?
It's still sold because people still buy it. Anything for abuck, you know? Products for animals do not have the samesafety requirements that products for people do.
Then why do people buy it if it's soo bad. The petshop told me it was good. So I bought a big bag.
People still buy it because they don't know better. Same withthe pellets with the junk food mixed in. They don't know thatit's bad for their rabbits.

Pet stores usually don't know much about taking care of rabbits andwill tell you all sorts of things that aren't true. Like youshould buy piles of junk food for the bunny, that it will be happy inone of the ungodly tiny cages they sell, sometimes they even tell youthe wrong gender of the rabbit because they don't know any better.Sometimes they tell you the wrong breed too. I've seen a lotof baby dutch and New Zealand Whites sold as "dwarf bunnies."I don't ask pet stores about anything now. I go to thelibrary or go online and learn it myself, because the pet stores arewrong so often.
I don't know the ingredients in Kix, but I'd saynot. I don't feed my rabbits any people cereal, although people givetheir rabbits the occasional cherio. No real cereal is 'healthy' inparticular, just given as a treat.

When I was buying shavings from feed stores, they usually said not tobuy cedar, to only by the white shavings (The bag I'm on is a triplemix, pine is only one of the kinds along with mapple and a bunch ofothers). Don't even bother to listen to what people at most petstoressay.. most of it's bull to get you to by something, or the persontrying to sell it doesn't know any different. I don't usually go topetstores that sell rabbits or dogs.. I mainly go to K&K andsometimes Petsmart.. even though Petsmart does sell guinea pigs andother small birds/rodents.
naturestee wrote:
Pet stores usually don't know much about taking care of rabbits andwill tell you all sorts of things that aren't true.
oh yeah!! when we were getting peapoo the petstore told us that bunniesdidnt climb and wouldnt like a cage with shelves or anything likethat:X...at leastthe one girlknew aboutrabbits..she wasnt the one that told me that though... she said she hadrabbits athome and shelooked and told me thatpeapoo was a girl:)

our petsmart always has dogs from the shelter there trying to find them a home
naturestee wrote:
magicapple wrote:
naturestee wrote:
magicapple wrote:
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
AsMyBunnyBoys said, make sure you get rid of the cedar rightaway. It is not good for rabbits at all. It'sdangerous for them.
I used to use those bedding for my hamsters.If those bedings are soo bad, why do people still sell them?
It's still sold because people still buy it. Anything for abuck, you know? Products for animals do not have the samesafety requirements that products for people do.
Then why do people buy it if it's soo bad. The petshop told me it was good. So I bought a big bag.
People still buy it because they don't know better. Same withthe pellets with the junk food mixed in. They don't know thatit's bad for their rabbits.

Pet stores usually don't know much about taking care of rabbits andwill tell you all sorts of things that aren't true. Like youshould buy piles of junk food for the bunny, that it will be happy inone of the ungodly tiny cages they sell, sometimes they even tell youthe wrong gender of the rabbit because they don't know any better.Sometimes they tell you the wrong breed too. I've seen a lotof baby dutch and New Zealand Whites sold as "dwarf bunnies."I don't ask pet stores about anything now. I go to thelibrary or go online and learn it myself, because the pet stores arewrong so often.
OMG then maybe my rabbit is not a guy. oo god. That's bad.
In regards to the "novelty" type pellets, I onceheard that the more appealing a food looks to a human (a.k.a. the morecolorful it is), the worse it is for a bunny.
Why is it bad if you're rabbit's not a boy? Was he playing with a friend's girl bunny?

You can have a vet check his gender for your, or you can check it yourself. There are several links in this thread:


Since your bunny is older than the typical tiny babies at pet stores,it's more likely that you were told the right gender. His"man bits" should be more obvious than they would be on an 8 week oldbaby.
naturestee wrote:
Why is it bad if you're rabbit's not a boy? Was heplaying with a friend's girl bunny?

You can have a vet check his gender for your, or you can check it yourself. There are several links in this thread:


Since your bunny is older than the typical tiny babies at pet stores,it's more likely that you were told the right gender. His"man bits" should be more obvious than they would be on an 8 week oldbaby.
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. OMG. I'm not going to go... forget it i'll just pertend it's a boy.
If you want to determine his/her gender and don't want to look, a vet could easily tell you. Peapoo is right, you need to know because if your bunny is a girl she should get spayed (to prevent ovarian cancer).
It's not gross really, it's something that has to be done. If your squirmish, maybe get your mom or dad to look at the sites and see. Or better yet, get avet to do it. You can't get another rabbit later on if you don't know the gender of Mario.
Aww I feel so perverted trying to look at my rabbit's you know what. What does spayed mean? Does it mean that the female rabbit can't have babies?
Yup. It's not perverted, the bunnies don't mind at all, unless they get uncomfortable about being handled that way when you cehck them. :D.
well here what my rabbits eat-

pellets- without treats

timothy hay- you can get from petco

carrots- non-pealed

bannas- whole peal and all

grapeds- usually red grapes sometimes green

strawberries- just the whole thing

oranges- good source of vitamin c

i gve more, just ask

what i dont give

lettus- dont know, not comfortable with it.