What Does An Abscess Feel Like?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Dawn's precious little mini-rex, Wildfire, has one side of her dewlapquite a bit larger than the other side. When I feel it, there's a soft mass pretty far below the skin. It's probablya couple of inches wide, and it moves around quite a bit.It feels like the benign fat pocket that's under my cat's front leg.

She's a soft, tubbyish little thing -- not exactly athletic -- and she hasa chubbydewlap. The mass fits right in-- it'ssoft, possiblysquishy. (I don't want to poke and prod it too much).

I'll be taking her to the vet as soon as they open (Tuesday), but seeing as I've never had experience with abscesses or anything else, thought I'd ask.

hmm.. When both Basil and Max had abscesses they weren't squishy. Of course Max's was hard bc it was against the jawline, but Basil's was free-floating in his cheek and while it wasn't rock hard, I wouldn't say it was soft at all. It was the size and shapeof a marble and felt maybe a bit like a grape, but maybe harder?

Hope that helps a bit..I imagine some of them could be squishier (is that a word?!), especially if they're bigger..

Youve had a lot to deal with, huh?!
As Haley mentioned, abscesses can feel very different. When lymphatic fluid is mixed in, they will be very "squishy". Once encapsulated, an abscess can feel very firm/hard like a tumor. Tumors can also abscess which is why a proper diagnosis by the vet is so important.

Very interested in hearing what the vet has to say.

Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pamnock wrote:
When lymphatic fluid is mixed in, they will be very "squishy". Once encapsulated, an abscess can feel very firm/hard like a tumor. Tumors can also abscess which is why a proper diagnosis by the vet is so important.
Is one easier to deal with than the other? Is the lymphatic fluid type more of a problem? Is an encapsulated abscess easier to removed (but harder to treat with antibiotics?)

Thanks for the info. It really seems quite deep, I imagine they'll try putting a needle in it and see what comes out.

Any type of abscess can present its own challenges depending on the severity and how extensive the infectionh as spread. The cause of the abscess is also a factor.

Generally, encapsulated abscesses are best removed.I did lance a large encapsulated abscess on my Checkered Giant and was unable to remove any infectious material. I liberally applied Penn G and the entire lump eventually receded.

Lymphatic fluid can be reabsorbed and may not require lancing if no infectious material is present.

It can be difficult to completely remove puss from the abscess of a rabbit because the stuff is so thick - its generally best to completely lance the abscess open and keep it open for a few days so it heals from the inside out. Poking an abscess with a needle is not adequate. A good scalpel with a sterile blade is the best instrument to use.
Many bacteria thrive in an anaerobic environment, so its important to expose the infected area to air.

Because of the myriad of causes and possible complications, its best to have a vet examine any type of growths or abscesses on rabbits.


When Max had the abscess, the vet used a needle to biopsy the area..it was clear it was an abscess when he had a hard time getting fluid out, and the little he got was very thick.

For Basil, because his was a perfect little sphere, the vet put him under anesthesia and sliced his cheek open. He said if it was a tumor he would have to do that anyway, so best to open it up and see what it was. When he found the abscess, he just pulled it out. He didn't stitch him up, it was just a little slit and he left it open to drain.

With Basils, we lucked out because it didn't have any of the "fingers"on it they sometimes have, it was a perfect sphere and once he popped it out Basil was fine. No antibiotics or anything. But we lucked out on that one.

Keep us posted!
Thanks again for the info.

Her's is so deep, I can't imagine it being veryeasy to expose. I'm guessing the depth, location and texture may lean towards lymphatic? (Not that I knowwhat that means, aside from the obvious). Her whole left dewlap sideabove her legseems swelled alot larger than the mass.

I really think this is a lipoma. It feels very fatty, and I think it's in a common area for them.

I know they're supposed to be harmless (aren't they?), but it's very big and interfering with her ability to move around.

If anybody's had experience with this, let me know!

An article written by Dr. Chris Hay how mentions Lymphosarcomas as the second most common neoplasm of the domestic rabbit.

Spontaneous benign tumors such as lipoma appear to be rather rare in rabbits and I am unable to find references of lipoma in rabbits.

Most certainly should be checked out by the vet.

Pipp wrote:
I know they're supposed to be harmless (aren't they?), but it's very big and interfering with her ability to move around.

If anybody's had experience with this, let me know!

Berri had a very very big abscess in her dewlap a few weeks ago, it did feel quite soft, compared to the previous two she had. It was causing her a lot of problems, she struggled to get her head in the bowls, and had trouble washing.:(

The vet just cut a slit in it and squeezed all the pus out of it, there was a lot, and it took a while, but it wasn't as hard as the pus that came out of the one under her eye. It wasn't too difficult for him, he left the would open and I had to flush it every day, so far it hasn't come back and she's fine.:)

I hope things work out for Wildfire!:pray:
pamnock wrote:
An article written by Dr. Chris Hay how mentions Lymphosarcomas as the second most common neoplasm of the domestic rabbit.
Ugh, missed this.

I've sent a note to Dawn, because I don't know if she's had it looked at before or not, but I haven't heard back.

I'm looking at older shots of her, and she does seem to have a lopsided dewlap even from months and months ago. It was looking very large the day before yesterday, but now it seems to be not as bad.I'll have to check it again.

Dawn's back on the 7th. Hopefully she'll contact me soon.

I did manage to get a message back to SAS, but I thought I'd pop in here really quick too.

Wildfire's dewlap has been lopsided since she had her last litter, so coming up on a year. She gained a bunch of weight when I didn't change her food to a lower protein after the babies where weaned. When she did start losing some weight, the lopsided dewlap became even more pronounced.

I always thought it was a bit odd, but could never feel anything beyond fat in it.

If anyone wants to look at pictures, all of my pictures are uploaded inthis gallery, from before and after the lopsided dewlap:http://www.biggercages.com/gallery

I'm really scared for her, she's my heart bunny, I would be so lost with out her. Right now everything centers around my little princess. I picked up the two new boys so they could worship her and keep her happy. I'm hoping and praying it's somthing that can be fixed. She's too young to go yet.

Hey Dawn, I've PM'd you as well.

She'sa little sweetheart, such a cuddle bun!

It doesn't appear to be bothering her at all, she's doing great. She's beenrunning around andgetting lots of exercise.

Good to know how long the dewlap has been like that, I'll keep looking around for more info.

Dawn, I wouldn't worry too much about it, it sounds like shes feeling fine and fiesty :).

Have a vet check it out when you get back, if it's an abcess, they can remove it.

I hope you're having a great time. Don't worry too much!
I'm officially on my way back. The flight here took 32 hours, so I expect the way back will be just as long. I'm just about to get on my second flight from Sydney to Nadi, Fiji.

I'm looking forward to seeing all my babies again, and getting this lump dealt with.

32 hours! No way!

When I went to Japan it took about 24 and I thought I was going to die. I know you will be so happy to be home.

We've missed you. It'll be great to have you back :hug:
Sorry Dawn, I've decided to keep all three. :) I :heartbeat:'em all!!

But 32 hours, huh? I'll have to start cleaning up now. ;) No offense, but Wildfire's a bit of a slob! She had been living outside the pen, and yikes! I shouldn't have blamed it all on baby Zeke!

She's as active and cheery as ever today.

I'll post this in the other thread, but sadly,the trio has been re-bonded. I was really hoping that you'd have tore-home Baxter -- here! :cry2 :devil

I'llpost more in the Baxter's backbonding thread.

Hope you had great trip. Watch out for the jet lag on the way back, it's brutal.

Sigh, 32 hours followed by delayed luggage. Neither of my two pieces of luggage made it to Vancouver, they got left in Fiji due to weight restrictions.About half the flight got left with out luggage.

But I'm glad to hear that everything is going well with my buns, I'll go check those other posts now.

Well, me and SAS went to the vets yesterday. She brought Wildfire in and I met her there. I won't be able to pick up my babies till Saturday, so it was a nice treat to see her early.

The vet doesn't seem concerned by the lump, based on it's shape and texture. It's shaped almost like a mountain, very rounded at the top but as you move in towards her body, the bottom of the lump spreads out and you can't feel where it ends. The vet thinks it's most likely connective or fatty tissue, but would like to see her when she's lost more weight (she's lost .3kg or .66lb since July) so he can get a better feel.

He suspects the lump may diminish as she loses more weight and wants her on an even stricter diet from now on.

We did get the lump sampled though. I was so surprised that Wildfire didn't seem to feel a thing when the doctor stuck a needle in her dewlap! But he said that most rabbits don't feel anything when a needle is going into fat. I still felt bad, but she didn't seem fazed at all.

So, when I get the results I'll post them for you guys.Although with the shape of the lump, the doctor wasn't sure if he would be able to get an accurate sample, but he seemed to think the second one he got was good.
