Well-Known Member
Sorry it' long 
So Twigs is a only child. I thought about getting him a bunwife when we first go him, but I didn't/don't want to risk anybun teaching him bad habits since he's such a good boy and doesn't really chew or destroy much and has perfect litter box habit. Although our leather couches are now full of holes. PLUS I don't want to house 2 buns if the bond doesn't work. After I made up my mind the thought hasn't even crossed it until yesterday.
Now for the a little back story. When we got Twigs he was intact and well he "loved" my daughter. Poor girl was getting sprayed all the time and he loved well loving her legs :whistling. Thank God all that stopped after a trip to the vet. Now he still loves her and grooms her all the time. He'll lick and lick and lick whenever she's in the living room and sits at her feet in the dining room.
OK back to now :spintongue I let the kids sleep in the living room and she brought out a stuffed horse she sleeps with and has for years. So it smells 100% like her I'm sure. Anyway she put the thing on the ground by him and he immediately starting grooming this poor stuffed horse like crazy!!! So do you think he's lonely and needs a bunwife or was he just grooming the horse because he loves her so much and will groom anything that smells like her???
So Twigs is a only child. I thought about getting him a bunwife when we first go him, but I didn't/don't want to risk anybun teaching him bad habits since he's such a good boy and doesn't really chew or destroy much and has perfect litter box habit. Although our leather couches are now full of holes. PLUS I don't want to house 2 buns if the bond doesn't work. After I made up my mind the thought hasn't even crossed it until yesterday.
Now for the a little back story. When we got Twigs he was intact and well he "loved" my daughter. Poor girl was getting sprayed all the time and he loved well loving her legs :whistling. Thank God all that stopped after a trip to the vet. Now he still loves her and grooms her all the time. He'll lick and lick and lick whenever she's in the living room and sits at her feet in the dining room.
OK back to now :spintongue I let the kids sleep in the living room and she brought out a stuffed horse she sleeps with and has for years. So it smells 100% like her I'm sure. Anyway she put the thing on the ground by him and he immediately starting grooming this poor stuffed horse like crazy!!! So do you think he's lonely and needs a bunwife or was he just grooming the horse because he loves her so much and will groom anything that smells like her???