Omg. I have to bring this thread back because I just thought of something I learned yesterday...
So, most of you do not know this but I am a seafood lover. Shrimp, calamari, octopus, mussels, lobster, the whole works. I love love love them and living on my own, it`s probably the only thing i will actually bother to cook for myself. Other than that, kraft dinner, or anything in a can or box is fine by me.
A few months ago I was discussing with my doc about my weight etc. and I said I eat a lot of fish. Yes, dumb as I am I thought seafood was considered fish and good for my health. Yeah, you can imagine my doc's face. I have a cholesterol issue as my body just doesn't eliminate it and here I am stuffing my face with seafood proudly.
So I have been trying to behave but yesterday I was at WalMart and they have this really nice bag of shrimp for really cheap. (Ok yes I know fresh is best but I have none around here - well none safe to eat) So I let myself bring a bag home and decide to make some to eat while I watch a movie. I hadn't had supper and figured a munchie was good enough so I take half and leave the other half for another day.
For the first time... I look at the nutritonal chart and OMG what do i see?!
1/9 of the bag = 245 mg of cholesterol. And I had just eaten half the bag :shock:
Life lessons #____ : When your doc says seafood is high in cholesterol, she means it's REALLY HIGH in cholesterol