What Did You Learn Today?

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Today I have learnt to always keep chocolate in the house, because you just never know when you will have a craving for it, but not be near enough to or wellenough to get toany shop to go and get some!

Send me chocolate please! :(
mouse_chalk wrote:
Today I have learnt to always keep chocolate in the house, because you just never know when you will have a craving for it, but not be near enough to or wellenough to get toany shop to go and get some!

Send me chocolate please! :(

Wow, that was me yesterday! I was going insane. LOL

Today I have learnt that this thread was a good idea :p

And I have also learnt, that people abandonned their cars on the autoroute during the snowstorm :?
Today i learned that my cousin got back with her ex-boyfriend. Strangely enough.... she is very happy. Haven't seen her this happy in years. She said that their hearts found each other again.
Today (errr yesterday?)I've learned that I actually can wake up in the morning and be without a Diet Coke and yet I will live. (at least long enough to get to the grocery to get one!)

PixieStixxx: :shock:indeed!!

TodayI learnt that going out with my friends is really-FUN and I should do it more often while I still can, and that it's really nice to see friends I haven't seen in a while! And that out of sight doesn't always mean out of mind, as this friend told me he had been thinking about meand worrying about me being so ill! :D
Today I learned that banks don't buy back change in different currency. Like i was hoping to sell euro to buy back Canadian money... But they only accepted the bills. I never knew that :baghead
Today I learned that when you're peeling garlic cloves, you really should get up and go get a knife to cut the little brown nubbin off the base of the clove instead of trying to break it off with your fingers. Garlic juice has a way of getting under your finger nail and making it burn for HOURS.
Today I learned something that LUMI learned...that I'm a pretty okay human and she actually likes me! :D

She let me kiss her head and give her nosey bumps! :D

Last night I learned that you can swindle Teeny into doing ANYTHING...as long as Calf Manna is involved...hehe!!!
Tonight I learned someone who I am not especially fond of, and I basically think is an immature idiot who needs a reality check, can chime in on my conversation, and try as I might to ignore her *input*, can really chap my royal rear.

I also learned that it is possible to go to my happy place and keep from slapping said person...and still keep a pleasant face so she doesn't notice the imminent danger she is in from my flying fists of fury.

I also learned that when your in the barn, and the stereo is on, and they do an advertisement for *Sesame Street Live: Elmo Grows Up*, that with the AC going, and the cage clattering and clanking of excited rabbits, it actually sounds like you could take the kiddies to go see a fantastic performance of Sesame Street Live: Elmo Throws Up*

I also learned that the prospect of seeing said show, and the subsequent numerous re sayings of the title throughout the advertisement makes your teenage son spew Dr Pepper approximately 3 feet. ELMO THROWS UP!!

I also learned that if you leave your teenage son alone for too long, and his bangs are bothering him, that he will take an electric razor to them, while wet, not account for shrinkage, and when his hair dries, it looks very much like the mental asylum haircuts they gave lobotomy patients in the early half of the century.

I also learned that if I do not take my Lunesta before bed, then I am awake enough to be disturbed by my husband snoring, which can most closely be compared to a Grizzly, with a deviated septum and a tennis ball shoved down his throat, thus leaving me to posting in this thread at 3:08 am.

It's been a most interesting day..
I've learned that I am going to make sure to have unusual sounds going while the Sesame Street Live commercials are on today! :D

I've also learned that Iam surrounded byhumanoid forms ofround cavities meant to expel waste.
Shiloh, kind of 'bash' the garlic under a large knife first, it's sooo much easier to peel! :D

Today I learned that going window shopping as a way of cheering yourself up with absolutely not a penny to your name is just really no form of retail therapy.... more a form of retail torture....

I also learned, a bitlike Zin that when my 'friend' who I dislike more and more each day asks me about my operation by saying 'so when are you going to get sliced and diced Jen?' I can *just about* ignore her and restrain myself from jumping across the table and punching her... Only just about though! ;)
Well - I've learned a lot in the last few days - think I'll share it all here.

On Friday I learned that my son is capable of surprising me...still. He called about 1 pm and asked how we were doing - if we had plans - how I was feeling, etc Then he asked me to go to the front door - he was standing there (and parked the car so I couldn't see it). I was totally shocked & blown away ~ and so thrilled to see him.

On Saturday I learned there is such a thing as "Easter Monday"....wow - I never knew that.

On Sunday and Monday I learned about someone that should be nicknamed "Mother (Sucker) Zin: Patron saint of ill bunnies..". Seems like in the last few days she has taken in not one - not two - but now THREE bunnies that all have health issues and needed to be rescued....

....ah ... but the last one (well - really all of them) are her story to tell.

But I've learned there are still SUCKERS (uh...I mean....wonderful bunny-loving) people out there who will help ill bunnies..

Oh that ZIN! LOL!

Today I learned that my horses have a new doc..... in addition to all of their old ones.... I have hired an equine orthodontist.....:shock: I was amazed at what he did and how good my horses have responded ALREADY! I'll have to update you all later when I see how the improvements progress.

I also learned Dakota is gentle and sweet until someone works on his sore tooth... and then he can be a handful - even when he nearly knocks himself out hitting the ceiling of a stall. And that he's quite funny when he has anesthesia! (drunk LOL)

I've learned that my horses are more expensive all the time and that equine orthodontists don't do bunny teeth. :grumpy:;)

Omg. I have to bring this thread back because I just thought of something I learned yesterday...

So, most of you do not know this but I am a seafood lover. Shrimp, calamari, octopus, mussels, lobster, the whole works. I love love love them and living on my own, it`s probably the only thing i will actually bother to cook for myself. Other than that, kraft dinner, or anything in a can or box is fine by me.

A few months ago I was discussing with my doc about my weight etc. and I said I eat a lot of fish. Yes, dumb as I am I thought seafood was considered fish and good for my health. Yeah, you can imagine my doc's face. I have a cholesterol issue as my body just doesn't eliminate it and here I am stuffing my face with seafood proudly.

So I have been trying to behave but yesterday I was at WalMart and they have this really nice bag of shrimp for really cheap. (Ok yes I know fresh is best but I have none around here - well none safe to eat) So I let myself bring a bag home and decide to make some to eat while I watch a movie. I hadn't had supper and figured a munchie was good enough so I take half and leave the other half for another day.

For the first time... I look at the nutritonal chart and OMG what do i see?!

1/9 of the bag = 245 mg of cholesterol. And I had just eaten half the bag :shock:

Life lessons #____ : When your doc says seafood is high in cholesterol, she means it's REALLY HIGH in cholesterol :p
OH my! That is A LOT. Yikes, I wouldn't have known. You always think seafood is better for you anyway... hehe.

I think this is a great thread still!

I learned today that my ferrier is going to start charging even more per horse - and that out of my three horses, mare, gelding, and stud, the stallion is the best behaved of the three!! :p
I learned that my bunny,Gulliver, peed on my hardwood floor in a place I didn't know about, and the floor is now black.

Tomorrow, I hope to learn how to fix it.

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