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Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
Ick Pet_Bunny i couldnt eat anything that still had a face looking at me,lol

Tonight it is chicken and garlic parmesean sauce over spagehtti's I might take a pic but i dont want the hubby thinking i am any stranger then i already am so if i can sneak a pic i will. Wed my oldest has bowling so it is something quick and easy for dinner.
How do you make that? It sounds sooooooo nice!!

We didn't have our meal in the end- Steve didn't finish working til late (acutally he's still working now :() so we didn't go grocery shopping til late which would have been too late to cook onion pasta. I'm no Ina tonight- we had takeaway! I had prawn and mushrooms, with egg fried rice and vegetable spring rolls. It was ok, but the sauce was a bit bland.... I wish I'd cooked now....

While Steve is away though I will have nice food! And I will take pictures! :D
Spaghetti with Meatballs in cream sauce and peas.


Supper time is 5:30 pm
Tonight I had some Teryaki Beef at the mall after my mom and I had our nails done. Altho I only ate maybe 10 bites.. There was a peice of shrimp in it. I didn't ask for shrimp. But I guess it was because the girl behind me in line asked for shrimp, and one of the buggers must of came over to my beef. Either way I almost spit it out. I hate shrimp, and I end up breaking out when I eat it.. =/


P.s , this is a picture of my dinner I got off of google, but it's exactly what I ate (except that green stuff) I asked for no vegi's because they put shredded cabage and carrots, and erm.. I don't like those..


Stan that looks YUMMY! Did you make it?

My dinner was a write-off :cry1: So I didn't take a picture. I made vegetable gratin, because after the other night I had been craving it again. This time I also added aubergine and brocoli, only I somehow managed to overcook the veg so that they went all mushy in the oven :( I had a pork chop with it, which was ok except for it tasted weird. It had a really funny aftertaste, although it was well within date, so there was nothing wrong with it.

I'm thinking about making some sweet chilli mayo and cucumber and celery sticks to dip in to cheer myself up after that disaster!

Last time Steve went away I managed to make a really bad meal too, but I'm usually really good at cooking. It's like he's my cooking safety or something!
Once again, I forgot to take a picture until I was halfway done eating!

Tonight I had roasted broccoli, cauliflower, and shrimp (with garlic and rosemary), and garlic mashed potatoes. I made the roasted stuff, but the potatoes were instant.

I don't know how I missed this thread... but I did! :p

Tonight, we had "Firehouse Chili". It's not spicy or anything, but it's a recipe from the firehouse where my grandpa was a fireman. It's my favorite! :D It was my first time making it, and I am pleased that I can make it as good as my mum does! (well, almost! ;))
Oooh, just reading this makes me hungry! *sneaks off for a snack:ph34r2

Tonight, I had left overs, so lasange and some random salad mix that I found growing in the garden lol.

Tomorrow I will be taking a picture! Chicken cashew curry with naan bread!!! YUM!!
i am reading this tread.
i am doing a 24hr fast for trocarice.
thansk you tguys/gals.....
lets say.... im not very full up at the moment....lol
Tonight we are going out to a friends and having a stir fry :D probably with rice noodles aswell and toffee cheesecake afterwards.
A banquet? That sounds fun! What sort of food will you eat?

Tonight by the time I finished cleaning etc I only had 30mins before my friends were due to arrive so I had spaghetti and I made a tomato and basil sauce. The whole thing takes less than 10mins, so there's never any excuse for jars of sauce in my house! :D

STEVE is back tomorrow! YAY! So I will make him a homecoming dinner that I was going to make before- the onion pasta and flapjacks! Yaaaaay :)
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Whole chickens were really cheap last week (50 cents a pound), so I bought one and roasted it, then used the leftover meat to make a casserole last night. I layered chicken and broccoli in a baking dish, sprinkled a lot of romano cheese on top, made a white sauce and poured that over top, then sprinkled crushed Ritz crackers and sliced almonds over all. Had it with rolls and green beans. It turned out really well! Tonight will be leftovers because I work until 9:30.
I'm just now seeing this thread and this one has me drooling.

Tonight I'm making chicken fajitas - but I won't take pictures - sorry.

For those who might not know what that is...I cook it so it looks kinda like this (not so pretty):


and then we wrap it in soft taco shells so it looks like this:


mouse_chalk wrote:
Stan that looks YUMMY! Did you make it?
My wife does most of the cooking. It is fairly simply, she prefers rice, some meat and vegetables. I have anything that is not spicy or hot, and enjoy meals that have potatoes. The foods I like are weird to her. Ilikefish and chips, cheese omelette's with beans, tacos, spam, turkey, noodles, and all the foods you guys eat.

Did I say I live to eat? :D

mouse_chalk wrote:
A banquet? That sounds fun! What sort of food will you eat?
I am not sure about tomorrow. It is a Chinese restaurant, but the family hosting the banquet is Vietnamese and they are having a one month baby shower.