Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure where to put this, because she's not really sick so I didn't know if it would fit under infirmary? But in any case, so when I first got my second rabbit (november 2012) she had mites - it wasn't severe at all but I did take her to the vet 3 days after I got her for a check up as well as ivermectin treatments. I did all 5 treatments and she was free of mites. At this point - my first rabbit was not living with my second - so I don't think the mites could have travelled to him? When they had no contact with each other? And he didn't get on any fabric that she was on and I made sure I thoroughly washed the carriers and litter box and cage and floors very often (and always immediately) after a treatment.
So I think it highly unlikely he caught mites from her - although you never know? But my first rabbit never scratched excessively. And neither of them scratch excessively now? But I was petting my rabbit (the one who had mites before) and I felt something and I looked and to my surprise I saw very flaky skin, and like what seemed to be a bug bite? I couldn't find anything else on her body, but again I wasn't really checking intently I was just focusing on the main thing. It's located right between her shoulder blades.
It looks like one big bite with lots of flaky skin, which can be a sign of mites or some external parasite. They have NEVER been outside (well my male has literally 1 year ago and was there for just minutes- fenced in), but my dog was recently at the emergency vet (indoor dog) but of course that doesn't mean he couldn't have caught anything from other animals while he was there?
We are a little tight on money now: I've spent over 640$ at the vet because my dog was very ill and he is recovering now, and my mom just bought a new car (I know what you're thinking, if she can afford a new car she can pay for vet bills) yes we CAN I'm just saying with tuition and everything else it's a little hard.

So I think it highly unlikely he caught mites from her - although you never know? But my first rabbit never scratched excessively. And neither of them scratch excessively now? But I was petting my rabbit (the one who had mites before) and I felt something and I looked and to my surprise I saw very flaky skin, and like what seemed to be a bug bite? I couldn't find anything else on her body, but again I wasn't really checking intently I was just focusing on the main thing. It's located right between her shoulder blades.
It looks like one big bite with lots of flaky skin, which can be a sign of mites or some external parasite. They have NEVER been outside (well my male has literally 1 year ago and was there for just minutes- fenced in), but my dog was recently at the emergency vet (indoor dog) but of course that doesn't mean he couldn't have caught anything from other animals while he was there?
We are a little tight on money now: I've spent over 640$ at the vet because my dog was very ill and he is recovering now, and my mom just bought a new car (I know what you're thinking, if she can afford a new car she can pay for vet bills) yes we CAN I'm just saying with tuition and everything else it's a little hard.