The larger the number the smaller the diameter of the needle so if you have 22 g it is bigger than ideal but you probably can do it ; 3/4 inch is a long needle for a sub q but once again it is possible if you have done sq injections before.
"Small" in a feed store is probably for goats and calves etc
if you get the bicillin this is the dosing (remember you are working here with units per ml )
you can dose specifically as cited in medi-rabbit
47,000- 84,000 u per kg (a kg. = (2.2lbs)
Ialways dosed somewhere in the middle
or more generically as described in the Marcy Moore article
she is talking about abscesses but it doesn't really matter ..
"Small" in a feed store is probably for goats and calves etc
if you get the bicillin this is the dosing (remember you are working here with units per ml )
you can dose specifically as cited in medi-rabbit
47,000- 84,000 u per kg (a kg. = (2.2lbs)
Ialways dosed somewhere in the middle
or more generically as described in the Marcy Moore article
she is talking about abscesses but it doesn't really matter ..