What color is he?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
What color do you think Leo is?





Pam, for a rabbit to have the ej gene they must show it, right? I believe it can not be hidden(minus REW and BEW) so that would mean he is considered some type of harlequin? I have never really dove that far into the ej gene, as far as how it works with other genes such as steel and the c genes I am clueless.
maybe you can help me, the little one i have I'm wondering about is several browns on top which turn to Grey from about midway in his side and on his belly, dark brown ears and tail. he hasn't opened his eyes yet but what would that be?
bunnybunbunb wrote:
Pam, for a rabbit to have the ej gene they must show it, right? I believe it can not be hidden(minus REW and BEW) so that would mean he is considered some type of harlequin? I have never really dove that far into the ej gene, as far as how it works with other genes such as steel and the c genes I am clueless.

The ej does actually have the ability to "hide". I've seen it happen in e ej genotype tort rabbits that may only have a tiny black spot or no evidence at all of having ej.

A Es ej may or may not show evidence of having the harlequin gene.

Also, there are the cases, as evidenced in this thread, of the agoutis with harli marked bellies (we see this occasionally on the table with the castor Mini Rex).

I've also seen it in e ej reds that may only have a tiny black spot or no evidence of actually having the ej gene.

kmtangelkrystal wrote:
maybe you can help me, the little one i have I'm wondering about is several browns on top which turn to Grey from about midway in his side and on his belly, dark brown ears and tail. he hasn't opened his eyes yet but what would that be?
pictures would be great

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