I know Flemmish are wonderful rabbits, and count myself among their fans, but I would like to play devil's advocate
Rescue and shelter rabbits often get the shaft because it's believedthat their temperments are "unpredictable". Sure, I guess if you want arabbit that is going to be 100% predictable, then maybe a shelter bunnyisn't the best choice. But the thing I love about rabbits that arerescued, is that you get to watch their personalities emerge. You getto know
them, as an individual. Believe me, it doesn't take toolong before you are completely in love.
Where wouldwe be without thecheeky buns? Without the devious, mischevious buns? Without the Shermans

And it's not like all shelter rabbits have these personality "flaws".Many, many rabbits are gentle, loving, forgiving, and especially,
If rabbits are the sensitive, intelligent souls we purport them to be,then it is especially cruel that so many have to languish in shelters.I am not pointing blame. But, as a shelter worker, I would like to seemore organizations (like Rabbits.com) have a mascot that
is arescued rabbit. It says a lot about your stance on the currentoverpopulation problem, and is a wonderful example of how "recycled"rabbits can enrich our lives.