My rabbit, Ari, is a 2 1/2 month old doe. The breeders said she was a purebreed lionhead but she looks NOTHING like one. We currently have no idea what she is but we think she might be Californian lop mix. Recently, (about a month ago) one of Ari's ears has flopped to the side but the other is standing up straight. We checked for mites and fleas, infections and etc. Nothing was found. We can't tell if it genetic because we don't trust what we've been told. Recently, I just went to fair with my six year old mini rex buck. He won second place and reserve grand champion. We retired him this year. This is why we got Ari. We want to compete with her. But, unfortunately, we have to know if this is something serious or genetic beforehand. Also, the judge must know what breed she is. Help?