Not Netherland dwarf. Just some tips on your set up. Just put the litter in the litter box, not on the floor, this confuses them on where to go while you keep him just in that cage. With him only being 2 months old he will soon outgrow that cage. If you can get an xpen then that will be much better. Use the old cage as a litterbox, then you can put litter all over the floor. And that hay holder is a great toy but it does not hold anywhere near enough hay for what they need each day. They need the same amount of hay as big as they are every day. When you give him the hay put it directly beside the litterbox while you keep him in the cage. When you make the whole cage his litterbox you can just place it near the corner that he likes to go in. I'm not sure how big your water bottle is but a lot of us here use bowls instead because it is easier for them to drink out of a bowl and some say that they stay slightly dehydrated on a water bottle. I don't know if you are feeding pellets or not but just make sure to just get the plain pellets, not with any added colorful stuff or seeds in it. And they can have more pellets as a young bun but after 6 months old they only need 1/4- 1/2 cup per day depending on if he will be a small bunny or a large bunny.
I'm not trying to judge you on your set up or anything, I'm just offering some friendly advice! We also have our 2019 and 2020 cage thread that I will link if you need other ideas for a new set up!