Well-Known Member
OakRidgeRabbits wrote:
Lol so true- and I never really understood fully why! But I do now, thanks to you!
And oh my you have no idea. Yorkies are pretty tiny (we have some mixed breeds along with some pedigree, so one is actually about 8kg- course we only breed from the pedigrees), so they are proper adorable as 'adults' but ommmdzzz the puppies are just so cute.
And NAUGHTY i might add! It's so funny. The way they run too...like unbelievably energetic and bounncccingggg over to you as hastily as possible. Not running, like one paw after another- BOUNNDDINNNGGGGGG lol. I need to upload some videos.
jcottonl02 wrote:
OakRidgeRabbits wrote:But when they try to nurse she runs away, or pushes them out of the way so that they cannot nurse and instead are encouraged to eat solid foods. She does this herself beginning around 3.5-4 weeks.
Loool my family breeds yorkshire terrier pups, and to see, at around 5 weeks or so, Lucy (the mother) streaaaking across the room desperate to get away and not nurse the puppies, and being immediately followed by this really fast patter of teeny feet followed by some bounding puppies, it's SO funny.
And I never understood why- but I think you have just explained it!- it's natural!
LOL!Yeah, it's kind of sad to see the poor buns waddling after momma for more! So cute! I bet the Yorkies are such precious little pups...they are even cute as adults. <3
Lol so true- and I never really understood fully why! But I do now, thanks to you!
And oh my you have no idea. Yorkies are pretty tiny (we have some mixed breeds along with some pedigree, so one is actually about 8kg- course we only breed from the pedigrees), so they are proper adorable as 'adults' but ommmdzzz the puppies are just so cute.
And NAUGHTY i might add! It's so funny. The way they run too...like unbelievably energetic and bounncccingggg over to you as hastily as possible. Not running, like one paw after another- BOUNNDDINNNGGGGGG lol. I need to upload some videos.