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I'm thinking 1 1/2 feet high per floor which makes 6 feet total...not sure of width yet. Heavy duty wire fence (I live in the country so need protection), Wood floors covered with I dont know what yet except for the bottom row which will be wire also but buried a little with soil on top to grow grass. The bottom row will probably also be surrounded by concrete tiles. The planter will have a top that goes over the plant baseso they cant be pulled out and carried everywhere making a mess. Also thinking about making shelves next to this to grow the small containers of herbs and veggies so I can switch them out when they are eaten.
Questions... *Will 1 1/2 feet high be tall enough for a dwarf rabbit?
*Can I use cow manure to fertilize the container plants without hurting bunny?
*What would be good to cover the wood floors on the top 3 levels?
*How many water bottles should I put in here? I was thinking 2, one on top floor and one on bottom.
*Does this sound like a suitable home for 2 dwarf Holland Lops or should I scrap this plan and start over?
Questions... *Will 1 1/2 feet high be tall enough for a dwarf rabbit?
*Can I use cow manure to fertilize the container plants without hurting bunny?
*What would be good to cover the wood floors on the top 3 levels?
*How many water bottles should I put in here? I was thinking 2, one on top floor and one on bottom.
*Does this sound like a suitable home for 2 dwarf Holland Lops or should I scrap this plan and start over?