Yesterday Bunster was playing and she bit and pulled her cage door (she does that if she wants to go somewhere and she needs to move it.). Then, she jumped back and I immediately made sure she was ok. She had some blood in her nose. My mother (whose a health expert) told me to put some iodine on it to clean it. I put it on a Q-tip and cleaned it. This morning though she had wetness around her eye. My parents told me it would be fine (they probably though i was overreacting, but no i just love her.). Now i was taking her downstairs to watch a movie and noticed her other eye was wet as well. She is acting normal but i just need to know what to do. This morning when i saw her one wet eye I took a warm wash rag and wiped it but now what? My parents won't let me take her to see a vet unless its serious. Anyway i wouldn't even be able to take her until tomorrow at 12ish. I can't go unless it's serious. I really love her and want the best for her though. Thanks for any help FYI recently she was moved to a differant spot and does have a cat litter box some feet away (10ish). Not sure if that means anything. Im more thinking her eyes are caused by her bloody nose. I just need to be told what to do. Thanks rabbit family! You're the best!