Thanks for the well-wishes Soooska, tell Daisy Mae, Winston and Vega that I miss them too! It's pretty quiet coming from your place to a one bunny household!
Bandit tells me that he would be good at agility, he says he jumps very high. Perhaps I will have to teach him a trick or two before I go!
Now let me tell you about my day, and what a day it was! I think I mentioned that Azerane was planning to take me to try and see some kangaroos today. She felt bad about going because Bandit was ill this morning (though he seems better now which is good). We went for a nice scenic drive to a conservation park in a place called the Barossa, apparently they make a lot of wine here, not that I've ever tasted any, but the name Jacob's Creek did ring a bell. Anyway, it was a cool but beautiful sunny day, and we were barely walking for 15 minutes when we found some kangaroos!! It was really exciting. Azerane tells me that they're Western Grey Kangaroos, they were very big and seemed very calm with us walking by and we got quite close. She took my picture with some of the kangaroos, we even got to see several kangaroos with a joey in their pouch, how cute! Azerane is big on bird-watching so she took a list of all the species we saw, which was about 25 species. We even got to hear some Laughing Kookaburras, what a sound that was.
After our walk in the park, we went and played some mini golf. Well, Azerane and her fiance played, I mostly just watched and acted as cheer squad while trying not to be tempted to taste the putting greens. The mini golf place actually had some big dinosaurs there, sometimes they made sounds and I was almost sure I saw one of them move at some point, they look so real. I'm glad that they're not, although Azerane tells me that they were real many, many years ago. I wouldn't like to meet a real one.
After the mini golf and a delicious lunch at the bakery (pies and pasties), we went to visit my host's mum and her partner since they lived nearby. They still have her cat living with them, she's 17 years old and I thought she wanted to eat me but Azerane told me I was just being silly. Azerane brought her mum flowers to celebrate, apparently she just got a first clean follow-up scan after breast cancer treatment. Fantastic! They took some family photos and then we took the scenic return drive home, which included getting to see an Emu crossing the road, what big birds they are, I could barely believe my eyes.
After such a big day I'm pretty worn out, when we got home we were glad to see that Bandit was doing better, hopping around and eating some. I'm glad he's feeling well again.
Now for some photos! (My legs were getting tired in the third one.)