Wendell the Wandering Wabbit's Travel Blog

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April, if you post the img code that starts with , it just posts the whole picture. Just make sure you have it resized to "message board" size so it doesn't stretch the page :)
Okay, enough techie tips. Looks like you're having fun, Wendell!
Hi all! Wendell will be on his way to his next destination today! I'm truly sorry. I have many pictures of his stay with me but quite frankly the time it takes to put pictures on the forum is exhausting.

But it was really fun to host Wendell and I'm greatful for the privilege. I wish him a speedy journey to his next destination!
Love the pictures in Delaware of the lighthouse and the beach. I've never been out east at all would love to visit.
I have finally arrived in Calgary. This is my first time in Canada and boy was it a long trip. Took me almost 2 weeks to get here. But never mind that, I am here now and have already started my adventure.

My host takes a lot of photos and I can only post so many, so here is a link to the photo album on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151590651457174.1073741834.571952173&type=1

No sooner did I come out of my box and was off. We went to a place where a lot of older people live. My host is involved in a rabbit hopping club and there was an event there today. It was all a bit overwhelming with lots of rabbits and people around, but I did get a chance to try jumping.

First I got to meet Korr and Amelia. They were very nice. Korr even let me ride on his back.


Then I met Jabberwock, Kia, Peace and Star. I think I will get to visit them later on, but it is nice to get to know some before I stay with them.





Next I tried going over a jump. I seem to have a natural talent. I didn't have a harness, so could not go on the real course (I was too shy my first time anyway), but got to try off course.




This is where they preformed.
A really cool thing about this club is that they have a trailer for all their equipment. The LA Sign Shop is Derby's Mom, I might get to see them later too.



And here is me with Kate, my host.

My first day is not even over yet. I still have to meet the rest of the bunnies here (there seem to be quite a few), there appear to be a couple dogs as well to meet. There seem to be lots of stuff planned for me, so I will be kept quite busy while I am here.
Great pics Kate and Wendell. Loved Wendell meeting all the buns. Looks like Wendell is having a blast!
Today was a fairly relaxed day. I finally got to meet all the other bunnies here. It was also cleaning day, so I helped supervise the cleaning of the bunny cages, boy was that hard work.

First was Tesla. He was a bit distracted and didn't seem to interested in me.

Next I met Luna. She is being fostered while she waits for her forever home. She was very friendly and polite with me. I hope someone adopts her soon.


Up next was Selina. She is also up for adoption. She and Luna came in together, but weren't getting along so are now single. She seemed to think I was some sort of toy and not a real live rabbit, luckily nothing too bad happened.

Gizmo and Nala were next. They didn't seem to impressed with me either, but I got a nice picture with both of them. Gizmo is the white guy on the left and Nala is the pretty brown girl on the right.


After that was Kraken. He seemed a little scared of me, but did share some yummy treats.


And last but not least is Felix. He is the biggest bunny here, I could hardly believe that he is only 8 months old. I got to hang out on the shelf with him.


These are the treats that Kraken was nice enough to share with me. They were a perfect size for me and very yummy.


I not only supervised cleaning, but I did some quality control and am now learning to use a litter box.


Due to the long trip up to Canada, I missed a very important bunny holiday, Easter. There were some peeps here who let me see the eggs, so now I don't feel like I missed out too much. Many next year I can celebrate more.

I'm glad you're having fun Wendell! I loved the pictures of you with the bunnies, and Luna is adorable she looks like an angel! I wish I could adopt her, I probably would if I lived closer. Do you know what breed she is?
Thanks for letting me know :), she sure is adorable! I just love her silvery-white fur and the name suits her perfectly. Her name and colors remind me of a shimmering moon.
Yay Wendell! Sounds like your stay in Canada is off to a great start! Someone should make you a wee passport :D You are the International Bun of Mystery. I'm really sorry you missed Easter, we thought you would get there well before! 2 weeks on a box, jeez. So nice of Kate to let you celebrate Easter a bit late :) I love the pictures of you trying out rabbit hopping and great to hear you're well on your way to being litter trained! Looks like you met lots of great bunnies. Luna is such a pretty girl, she reminds me of my Kerensa. Hopefully she and sweet Selina will get adopted soon! Wouldn't it be cool if exposure through your blog led to them being adopted?
Today was another exciting day. Went to the Cochrane Humane Society. The Hopping Club did a little demo for a spring break camp. I didn't do much and didn't get any photos. There were a few buns up for adoption there. After that was the monthly hopping practice. There was also a birthday party for Alana, one of the members of the club. Her actual birthday is next weekend, but I guess they wanted to celebrate now. I did get to try agility some more.
Luna went to a different foster home last night. A new bunny came into the rescue yesterday as was supposed to come here. He is having some trouble with eating and pooping, so isn't coming yet but hopefully soon. He was found running around with some other dumped rabbits, but they could only catch one.

Here I am on the Teeter Totter. I am not quite heavy enough to tip it.

The A Frame was a bit easier to navigate.

I got to see the cake before it got all eaten. There was other food there as well.


I also got to see the famous Babbitty Rabbitty, but was too nervous to meet him today. Maybe I will get a photo with him later.
Today I went to a pet store called Rocky Mountain Tails. They don't sell animals, but do have lots of bunny stuff and even a foster rabbit.


These guys were just hanging around. The didn't say much.

This is Cali, she works at the store and was nice enough to take a photo with me.

This is the display of Oxbow stuff. They have my favourite treats there too.

I wonder if I need any supplements?

These look like fun.

Lots of hay. I'd be set for a few days at least.


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