Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where the timing is going to work out, but it would be fun if I had Wendell for either San Diego Bunnyfest on September 16th or Midwest Bunfest on October 27th!
Patti, that sounds great. We will try to make it happenAnd Brandy, Wendell is a good sport. I think he will be happy to help you with chores! Just don't post a picture of him perched on the toilet seat holding a toilet brush
Funny, but I may have to cremate him after that!
Wendell went to work with me, here he is with the sign. Unfortunately he had to sign a Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement, so he can not tell you what happened inside. It's not that exciting, just lots of computer work. Apparently he got bored because he's laying down on the job!
He should have helped you in some way. Lazy rabbit.
This week is the Goshen Country Fair. Wendell didn't compete, but he would have been sure to win first place. Here he is chatting with a contestant waiting to be judged.
He sure has become the rabbit-about-town. And a good judge of veggies.
Then he went grocery shopping to pick out some nice produce for the Anderson warren.
On Friday Wendall went to an exciting chess camp and tournament with Joshua.
Wendell is helping teach the class. Smart bunny! Wendell won first place at the tournament!
Did he learn to play chess while with you? If so, he's a quick learner. Even if not, his showing was impressive. Most rabbits can't think moves ahead, so give up on chess.
Then Wendell went to Petsmart with the whole Anderson warren. He helped coach them through their first official family meeting.
He's a diplomat, too!!!