Wendell the Wandering Wabbit's Travel Blog

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Awww, look at him meeting Franklin! They're like twins! And I'm glad he didn't get pecked by ducks or meet whatever terrible fate could have befallen him had he gone into the garden with the bunny sized "keep out" sign. Too cute :)
Glad he didn't get spooked by the fireworks1 my dog pussied out at the snap poppers you throw on the ground while my sisters dog caught them and chewed till they popped in her mouth -.- omg kansas city is so unexciting! Oh what will he do when he gets here!
ORLENA----->Lisa, just click on "watch topic" on the left of the quick reply box & you'll be notified of new posts.

Where is the watch topic and the quick reply box? I'm Blind.



Orlena...thanks for the tip but I must be blind like Susan...I can't find it either.....:)

Love the pics of Wendell in Texas. He looked so little on that statue of Sam Houston :)
Scroll down to the bottom of the page. after the last post. It's lined up with the left margin under the posters' names etc. Or are you using a smart phone & the images are too small?
Just because I like taking screenshots; I red-circled it!
Oooh, looks like I missed some action in the thread :D I'm on vacation right now and have limited computer access until tonight when my husband arrives with the laptop, so I didn't get to check into RO for a couple of days!

We have 26 people signed up to host our beloved Wendell :shock: He is our little bunny superstar! Obviously it will be quite a while before some of us get to host him, but everyone should have their turn! Just a reminder that I will PM everyone before he goes to visit them so I can make sure they're ready and will be at home and all.

Speaking of getting ready, I hope BunMommaD is ready because Woahlookitsme says Wendell is in the mail and is set to arrive in West Virginia tomorrow!
Darn! USPS website still says he should have been delivered yesterday (Wednesday), but the tracking says he was in Maryland. Hopefully today is the day! Let us know when he gets there :)
I have the tracking number and have been tracking... Says he's in MD and should have been delivered yesterday... Boooo! I just went and checked the mail and he's nit here yet... Hopefully later!
He finally made it!!!!! :D

He was very happy to get out of the box!

As soon as I opened it he jumped out to stretch his legs! And I think he has found his new favorite look out spot in our kitchen :)

We are so excited to have him and have a lot planned for him iv the next few days! :D
Yay, Wendell arrived safely!! Looks like our little superstar has found the perfect spot to sit in while he surveys his new domain :D Can't wait to see what he gets into and up to!
Yay! Glad he's there and that he wasn't lost too long in UPS land ;)

I'll be watching for what Wendell does next.

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