weight problems

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2005
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Hertfordshire, , United Kingdom
My bunny, Daisy, loves food!

she could eat all day evryday! she loves her pellets, loves grass,greens, not so keen on hay andthere special bush which bothmy buns love!

i feed my bunnies the about same amount of food each day. a handful ofgreens int eh moringin and 3/4 of a bowl of pellets in teh evnin plusthey have hay and grass and anything else they can find in their run tomunch :bunnydance:

Dandy, Daisy's sister doesnt put much weight on she has a good appetiteand seems very healthy in herself. Daisy on the other hand puts onwieght very easily.

Daisy gradullay got larger over last years so i put on a sort of dietby resticking how much she ate. this worked quite well up until thisspring when she started to put on the wieght again. over the summerwhen i left her with my mum to look after hse lsot a lot of weight veryqucikly as my mum under fed both of them. Dandy also lost some weightthen too. Recently i became a bit worried asDaisy didnt seemto be eating as much but she has put on ltos of weight within about 3/4 weeks.

Over winter i plan to let half of my large open run area grow a bit fograss for next year so that means one rabbit wont have a large space torun around in 24 hrs. what im goign to do is keep both bunnies lockedup in a large huthc with run underneatch at night and have one outduring the day and one out in the evevign this will mean they are safeat night and have some exercise time during the day, either in a run(when they are let into the run there is grass to eat and weeds) or outloose running in my sealed garden (there are plenty of food sourcesincluding grass, bushes, leaves, shrubs, weeds and small plants). Thisalso means that i can monitor Daisy's diet a lot more and as i ampicking her up everyday i can try and monitor her weight.

what would you suggest to me to keep Daisy's weight down this winter?

should i: -

  • put her on a diet
  • change her food in some way
  • let her out more ot exercise
  • lower the amount offood she eats
and suggestions?

How old are the bunnies and what kind of pellets are you feeding them?

I assume weight-gain in the spring is normal if they're getting springgrass and the like. The main thing is to cut downon pellets, that's probably the fattening part, depending on the brand.

If they're outdoor bunnies, they're getting plenty of nutrients withthe hay, veggies, bushes, and in particular, the sun, so they don'tneed very many pellets.

Always encourage them to eat as much hay as possible, though, don'trestrict that at all. And you'll probablyneed toincrease the veggies, but play it by ear re: the weight.

PS: I changed you poll to accept multiple answers seeing as almost all the above fits. :)


Pipp wrote:
How old are the bunnies and what kind of pellets are you feeding them?

I assume weight-gain in the spring is normal if they're getting springgrass and the like. The main thing is to cut downon pellets, that's probably the fattening part, depending on the brand.

If they're outdoor bunnies, they're getting plenty of nutrients withthe hay, veggies, bushes, and in particular, the sun, so they don'tneed very many pellets.

Always encourage them to eat as much hay as possible, though, don'trestrict that at all. And you'll probablyneed toincrease the veggies, but play it by ear re: the weight.

PS: I changed you poll to accept multiple answers seeing as almost all the above fits. :)

my bunnies were 3 in jul! they get get excel rabbits pellets.

i will cut down on her pellets but do you think i should mix in some of the excel pellet light into her food?

thx for changing my poll but ims ure i put it like that already!

none of my rabbits have ever been keen on hay and we have swapped hayseveral times and most of the they wont eat but they will eat sometimothy so ive stuck to that!
The Excel Lite would be great, yes.Just start by having a mix ofjust 20% Lite and 80% of the oldpellets, and gradually over the course of the week increase the Liteuntil you're only feeding them the Lite.

Because winter is settling in, you don't want to drastically cut downtheir food. Measured amounts of the Lite is a good first step.

Here's a good UK food link.


Good luck!

Yup, this is from the Rabbit Rehome page linkedabove.Supreme Science Selective (unliketheRussel mixes, I presume) is good stuff.

The chart below shows the nutritional analysis of some of the mainbrands of rabbit food available as you can see they vary quite a lot inboth fibre and protein content. An adult rabbit should have a food witha fibre content of at least 18-20% and a protein content of around12-14%. Young rabbits need a higher protein level of around 16% as theyare still developing.


Allen & Page
Natural Rabbit Pellets

Supa Rabbit Excel

Supa Rabbit Excel Junior

Supa Rabbit Excel Lite

Science Selective

Bunny Basics T (Adult Rabbits)

Bunny Basics 15/23 (Young Rabbits)


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