We caught the big guy!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2013
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Rockwood, Tenneessee
I posted the original topic as "I've been absent for some time" In housing forum. .... We went down and we got the little rabbit. He came right up to us. I have him some kale and he walked into our travel crate. He is extremely big. Got callaway beat by alot!! Not sure if he is make or female so I'm going to call it a boy. We have the dog kennel set up on the porch so it's protected from rain. It's pretty basic until we can find a perm solution for him. I feel bad we can't take him in the house but I think hubby will come around. In the mean time I'm going to still try to contact people about fostering or a rescue. Hopefully (my wish) is we can keep him. Lol. But I'm not the leader of the house! I hope to gain his trust!

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Wow! What a big fellow. :) He's really cute! Look at that gorgeous coloring of his. Is there a chance he could have escaped from someone? Maybe you should put up some found bunny ads just in case. He looks pretty healthy and he's definitely a domestic bunny. Maybe he escaped from a hutch...or...I hate to say it but maybe someone let him out in the wild because they couldn't keep him any more. In any case he's really cute and I hope you get to keep him!
He used to be the previous tenants. I actually confronted then the last week in August because I saw him outside running in the yard. There is no fence or anything. The guy blew me off and was like that's my daughters rabbit and we leave it in the yard and it goes to its cage at night. Well these people moved out about a week or two and left the rabbit. So the land lord asked me to take it. So here we are!

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What a pretty rabbit! He definitely looks like a male just from his head shape and the lack of dewlap. I hope you get to keep him. He looks like a great bunny to have around.
He used to be the previous tenants. I actually confronted then the last week in August because I saw him outside running in the yard. There is no fence or anything. The guy blew me off and was like that's my daughters rabbit and we leave it in the yard and it goes to its cage at night. Well these people moved out about a week or two and left the rabbit. So the land lord asked me to take it. So here we are!

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Well then you know that he isn't owned. I hope you do get to keep him. He's certainly got a pretty coat. :) And is one cute bunny!
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Not sure. Our bun weighs a little less than 5 pounds. This guy is much heavier than him. I'd say he's close to 7 or 8 pounds maybe more. I'm not a very good judge of measurements. He is about 16 inches just sitting. He has the little tuft of fur/skin under the am chin that bulges out. His tail is sort of elongated but not sure if that's because the fur is semi matted around it. He has a pointy long face. Brown fur with black sporadic. He has some flakes of gray so not sure if that's a sign of old age or if its actual coloring.

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It's hard to say without a sure weight. The photos are too dark to see the gray patches. Do you think you could take a better picture of those spots? Because they could mean he's a steel color, rather than solid black, and likely a Flemish Giant or cross. There are also black Flemish Giants. They are the biggest breed. If he weight about 7-8 pounds, though, he's probably a New Zealand.
In the photo on your blog he looked quite small but in these, I can see he´s much bigger. I think he´s probably male as well, if he hasn´t been neutered, you should be able to see quite easily. He looks quite friendly as well so hope you get to keep him, I´m sure he really appreciates you taking him in and actually looking after him. Sounds to me as though he´s been very lucky to end up with you.
It's going to take some time. I went out to I've him some greens this morning and he immediately went and dug a little borrow in the hay to peer at me from. He made a little moaning sound too. Not exactly sure what that means as callaway just snorts. Lol. I went to offer then to him and he came out, took the first price from my hand then when I offered the second piece he swatted at me. So I just dropped them and let him have his space. I'm sure it's overwhelming right now. Is there any other "burrowing" material I can put in the cage to help him feel safer?

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When I first brought the girls home from my neighbors, Laverne would honk at me. For her it was a fear thing and after a while she stopped doing it so the moan could be his fear sound. Good luck with him, he's a handsome fella and hopefully will turn out to be pretty calm (as so many of the bigger buns seem to be) once he has had a chance to adjust.
You could put a blanket over the cage to help him feel safer. =) I usually keep my bunnies' cages half covered so they don't freak out if they're over spooked (they feel safer having a place to dart to if something scares them).
Here are some pictures of his coloring.
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And so you can see his size. The box he is sitting on was a case of 24 beers
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I found teats. So I'm assuming its female? Do males have nipples? I googled it and its debatable.

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I only have the two, but have never felt teats on Gus while Pepper definintely has them.

If it's a male, you should be able to locate the testicles. They sometimes suck them up when they're held on their backs, but you should be able to feel them on the inside of each hind leg.

Beautiful rabbit. Reminds me of an all-black Gus (he's a New Zealand cross). He/she looks a bit sun-faded, but will probably grow in a pure black coat if kept inside.

Good for you for bringing him/her into your home--even if just temporarily. :)

Hope that helps!

When I first adopted Watson he was that color: black with patches of a rusty/chocolatey brown. Once he molted he turned into a solid black bunny. I think he was sun/urine bleached.

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