Ways to lessen fever?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
California, USA
Ok, well Errik is sick. His temperature has been 101-102 on Tuesday. If finally went down to 99 yesterday around noon but shot up to 103 last night where it's been ever since.

We've given him a lukewarm bath, ice packs on forehead, bury him in covers to sweat it out, and now he fell asleep to a mixture of boiling water, tequila and honey. He's native american and REFUSES to take medication...except finally last night during his lukewarm bath I told him I'm going to make the water colder and if his temperature doesn't go down then I'm taking him to the hospital...that got him to take 2 tylenol pm's. It went down to 100.5 when I finally let myself sleep.

Any other natural remedies we haven't tried yet that you could offer us?

Edit: It's back to a steady 102.7 all day.
Does he have other symptoms? it sounds like the flu or it could be strep, or a host of other things.

Try to start cooling him from his head down. You want that part cooler first - cause you don't want him to go into seizures from it. Adults will seize at a lower temp than children - been there done that.

Sweating it in heat isn't always good to do.

Keep him cool - he'll probably whine about being cold but he should be in maybe a pair of boxers and have a light weight blanket at most over him.

If he could take a cool shower it would be good - head gets wet first.......

If you can kick his stubborn butt and get him to, he can have tylenol and one hour later advil and continue that but with 6 hours in between his advil.
He has the flu that's been passed around his store. He's in his boxers with a fleece blanket and quilt on him. I cant really give him too hard a time about the meds cause I'm the same way.

Currently : 102.5

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