Water Bottles

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samandshawn wrote:
Has anyone heard of a "sippybottle"?
You mean this?


Nope never heard of it untill now :)

Sebastians Little Girlwrote:
Sebastian must notdrink much. I wonder what an average intake is? I only refill his oncea week.
Does he get a lot of veggies? He may be getting a lot of his water that way.

Mine get veggies, but still drink a lot. My two girls drink 32 ounces in less than two days.


My two buns share a 320mlsmall water bottle and I have two fill it twice a day, I was thinkingabout getting them a bigger one, but I like the thought that therewater is always fresh. And they never go without because ifthere is only a little left if wash it out and re-fill it.What do you all think??
I don't know what my water bottles hold but Iknow they are the biggest we can find. We have 2 in each cage and fillthem up once a day so they drink alot.
A friend of mine had her bun chew the heck outof her bottle. In a panic, she didn't have time to go buy anew bottle. She had the old attachment/nozzle thing inperfect shape and she put on an Aquafina waterbottle. It fitperfectly and she swears it is better than any water bottle she hasever bought. Hardly leaks and her bun doesn't try to chew itup...:?
Well, Sebastiandoes get a couple handfulls of Spring Mix veggies on most days. Butthere are some days when I run out that he doesn't. He has never drankmore than about a bottle everyfew days.:ponder:

All my buns except Sampson have 16 oz. waterbottles. Sampson's is 32 oz. I fill them every day,but the only ones that are completely empty at that point are Sage andOrion; Saphy, Elvis and Sampson come close, but don't finish themcompletely. Sage empties his at least 2 times aday. I swear my girls just don't drink as much.


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