Washington County PA Rabbit Show

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Nicky Snow wrote:
well i was wondering about Fonzie, and i have read in someother posts about rabbits entered, being given up.

thanks Mambo!


Meat pen entries for 4-H are another case where the rabbits are auctioned off.

i am for sure going to the Elmirashow.i wanted to go to this Washington County one, but my car wouldn't makeit. i am really considering one, (and i mean only one) more bunny. andsince i got Rue and Kweli from pet stores, i would prefer to get from abreeder.

thanks for your advice Mambo. i'd better bring a pet carrier to the show!

mambo101 wrote:
Nicky Snow wrote:
cansomeone explain about having to give up rabbits at shows?How/Why?

You may have been confused about Jen's (cirrustwi) post. Whathappen was after she won the English Spot, some young girl from afamily of breeders wanted to buy it from her. However the price sheoffered Jen was way too low. Or was it my post? I gave Fonzie back tohis breeder a couple of months ago after I determing that a Flemish wasjust too large of a rabbit for my present living situation. Hope thathelps.
The only reason I didn't sell her to the girl was that she told me shealmost bought the same rabbit that morning from the breeder and whatshe was going to pay her for it, but wasn't willing to pay me the samething. I just didn't understand it. And then Ibonded with the bun really fast, so I'm so glad I kept her.She's a little scared and we had quite a time getting her out fromunder my bed last night, but she's settling in really nicely.


Oh Dan I think it's best if you wait on anotherbun until you have a better spot for them. Hey I want another flemmiebut I can not until we can afford and agree on it. But I am concideringgetting another flemmie next year if I can durring the spring bunnyfest by here in pgh. yippie. I can not wait until the time comes causeMeatHead just love to be outside and I have just a right size outdoorpen made by grids but I might have to put a roof on it or go3 high. ugh he sure can strrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeetchthat far on 2 high. lol. I like them mini satins they sure are prettytoo.
pamnock wrote:
Nicky Snow wrote:
well i waswondering about Fonzie, and i have read in some other posts aboutrabbits entered, being given up.

thanks Mambo!


Meat pen entries for 4-H are another case where the rabbits are auctioned off.

Pam , thank you, i think this was what i read about. what is "meatpen"? Sorry for all the questions, i guess i'll learn all this at theElmira show,

The "meat pen" is an entry of 3 rabbits weighing3-5 lbs. and less than 10 weeks old. The entry is judged onmeat type, condition, uniformity and fur. In 4-H,theserabbits are generally part of the livestockauction. The most popular breed for meat pen entry is the NewZealand White, but other commercial type breeds are commonly used.

Many times there are free rabbits atshows.Sometimes they are not showable for some reason.but they arestill purebred.plus you get a chance to talk to people who are rabbitcrazy too.bluebird
Found out this morning that the rabbit raffle atthe Washington, PA show raised $629 for the ARBA member Katrinavictims! I'm thrilled to hear that they surpased their goalof $500.

Pam that's an awesome amount that they raised!Unfortunately I didn't know before hand that they were going to do thatand I had already promised to "break myself" on one of Ben Shoener'sRed New Zealands for a new stud buck. I really do mean break myselftoo................

I'm so glad they earned so much!That's awesome. I really wished I could have contributedmore. Shawn and I already contributed at his work and I gaveto the ASPCA's effort. Rabbit people are wonderful to havegiven so much!


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