Warming a Rabbit

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when i was little and had my first rabbit irefused to let it sleep alone outside in the winter. as soon as myparents went to bed i would sneak outside and bring my beloved leoinside and let him sleep on my bed on top of the hot water bottle!
At the moment its really wet and rainy, therez atarp over Lilly's cage to keep her dry but whenever i check her sheseems really cold. Is there anythin else i could do?

Well, this winter wasreally bad. I feed my rabbit every night, at dark, and Inever really got to see if he was skinny or not. So, I justfed, him and left. I feel so very, bad.

I went out there onenight to feedhim and he was so skinny that you could see his ribs. I don'tknow why he was like that, he had food, but he didn't get enoughwater. So I ran into the house crying to my mother, sayingsomething is wrong with Rio, so my mother came out there, and webrought him in the house, and gave him feed and some water, he drankwater like crazy, so I figured that he wasn't getting enoughwater.

So the next day I went out and he had a bigpile of food, and his whole water bottle was frozen. So I amglad that he now is going to live in the house for the winters. I lovehim so much, I don't want to ever loose him. I feel like ananimal abuser, but my mother said it was just a mistake that youlearned from. I am glad that he is now, health, and he lovesthe inside.

So just remeber don't ever just feed yourrabbit in the dark, and leave him there without really checking onhim/her. They need more attention then you think they do. Please do mea favor, and always, always check on your rabbits if they are going tolive outside in the winter, even if it is in a garage, orbarn.
Mr. Stee wrote:
I think they mean the heated water dishes that you have alink to in the first post in this thread.

ThanksMr. Stee. I realized last night, but forgot toreply.

Snow already?

I shouldn't be saying "already". I think this is the first Ican remember when we've gotten so far into November with such balmyweather. We've been lucky - especially with the fuel prices,but they tell us that snow's coming on the weekend or early next week.

