Warming a Rabbit

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I use heated waterers in both my rabbit's cages.those wires were meant for animals! they're perfectly safe. if problemsaccure. put the water bowl close to the wire on the cage and that way,they can't chew the wire when it's so close to the cage wire. it'shanging out and they have to pull the bowl forward to chew it.

i don't run into that problem with either of my bunnies because i supply them with wooden chew toys.

i gave Bramble a nest box this winter because i got her a couple ofweeks ago and had been used to living inside because her owners had herinside because she had a litter. i got her and Briar at the same place,they were rescued from death row at a local shelter.

it only gets to -15 F in harsh winters around here and i am a firmbeliever in being true to nature. i think that the bunnies should haveto build thick coats and not be "pampered" with heaters when it's only-15F and above. any lower and i'd put a heater out there too!

you guys have some great suggestions!

Actually, those heated bowls are NOT animal safe.My sister got one for her dog, and she chewed right through the wiringand a rabbits teeth are sharper. I've been thinking about getting mybunnies one but I wont because my rabbits pull, fling, and chew,chances are that the bowl would end up causing more harm than good.

As for heaters, it depends what you use, that can be dangerous. Mybunnies live outside in everything to -50*C/-58*F (that's about as coldas it gets).

Just a warning to be very careful. Instead of electrical sources ofheat, I use an insulated wood box with straw inside, it works good andmy bunnies don't seem to mind the cold.
i don't think you're right. i've had heated bowlsall my life. for cattle, horses, chickens, rabbits and dogs. inever once had a single problem. i guess it just depends on how happyyour animals are. if they're wildish or whatever they need some job inlife. obedience may i suggest for those with wild dogs. buns, theydon't need obedience, chew toys! lol,

i'm talking about a heat lamp. you put it outside the cage so they can't get to it.

no hard feelings meant.

I sort of take offence to that.

My boys have all sorts of toys and what not to play with but it doesn'tstop them from chewing on other things. They are well entertained andtaken care of.

My sisters dog has obedience and she get lots of exercise and play time and lots of toys.

It depends on the individualanimal and I wouldn't risk heated water bowls with my animals.

Perhaps something about You needs adjustment, Bramble, rather than the whole rest of the world being wrong.

When you're constantly running into problems, obviously, there's a lesson you're not learning.

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
no offense meant. it's just that every time i post somethingvoicing my opinion everyone rushes to slam it. this happens inanother forum i use too. sry for offending you.


There you go again!


We justgot a bunny who is about 13-15 weeks old. My boyfriend built her a bighuge cage with a shingled roof and everything. We have the open areaand then a little area she can go into with lots of hay. I did make themistake of putting in an old sweatshirt for warmth for acouple days and then the other day a towel cut up. I removed them lastnight thinking about how that might now be too good for her. Since shedid pee all over them the other day and my little one forgot to takethem out. They were in there for two days but they are out now. I put aclean dish towel in last night but now that I know better I will takeit out afterwork. I worry about her all night in this cold, but sheseems to be doing alright. We have a stack of hay in her quiet enclosedarea, but she pees and poops all over it? She ran under the hay theother night. She sits out in the big area with no hay a lot. So I guessshe can't be that cold?? I don't want her to freeze or get sick, butdoes anyone have any good books for us to read? Plus the one night weput the white sweatshirt in there her pee was orangish. My daugherflipped out and said she was bleeding. The girl at the pet store saidit is normal for bunnies to pee that color. We purchased a hoodedsweather for her to wear. We haven't put her in it yet. Will this help?Of course I will wash it as it gets dirty? One more question? How isthe best way to get poop out of her fur? Thanks so much. When we comeoutside, or get home, she runs up to the side of the cage? Itis cute or she runs around? Is this a good sign?

Thanks so much.

TerryAny advice is welcomed. Please write me.
I would not suggest giving a rabbit any sort ofmaterial or cloth. If the rabbit ingests fibers it can cause animpaction that could lead to dead or expensive surgery. We use strawfor bedding and they burry in it and stay nice and warm. Depending onwhere you live, it might be a better option to keep the baby inside forthe winter and out her back outside when it warms up in the latespring/early summer. I'm not sure really, mine live outdoors but notalone at such a young age in the winter.

As for the orange pee, that's normal. I think it's caused by plantpigment. You should be worried if the pee has red blots in it, that'sblood.
HI:) We just got a bunny a week ago and gave itto my ten year old daugther as a Christmas present. I am sooverprotective and I am learning do's and don't's. I did go to the petstore and buy her a sweather with a hood. The lady said that will keepher warm when it is really really cold outside. So you have cold nightsthere? What state are you located? We live in southern New Jersey. Itgets cold. It was 11 degrees the day before we got her but I am surethey had the bunnies outside at the farm there. My daughter got her acarry case at the pet store. Plus she got a rabbit leash. I mean we doit for safety so she doesn't run away. I need to go out and buy adecent rabbit book at Borders. I am such a worry wart about this bunny.She is like a newborn baby to me. We keep her outside. I worry abouther being cold but the other night she was in the other section of thecage where there isn't straw and her food and water are. Go figure. Nowhow long did it take your bunnies to stop pooping and peeing on her hayand sleep area? She poops all in the hay /sleep area. Please email meanytime. I would love to hear from anyone who could offer me any kindof advice on bunnies.Or if you have a good rabbit book suggestion thatyou couldgive me. Thanks so much for your time.

I am going to remove the dish towel when I gethome after work. No, the pee was just an orange color, not red. Wellanyways, she is like 14 weeks old. She has been outside at the farmwhen we went to look at her. She was 11 weeks old then. They said shewill be alright. I got the sweather though. She did bury herself insidethe hay the other night but then she sits out in the open area a lot. Iguess she eats and sits and relaxes. I am learning. Keep in touch.T
I'm in Canada, we have nights below -40. But fora baby I'm not sure that's very good. Especially if it was an indoorrabbit previously, it's a REALLY bad time of year to put the rabbitoutside.

Pet store people don't really know anything, and I still say no to the sweater thing.

I don't know any good rabbit books though, sorry.
Thanks for the information. I have to look forbooks. She has been outside. She was never an inside bunny at all. Shewas outside at the farm with a bunch of other bunnies etc. Thanks foryour help. Do you put vitamins in their water?
The girl at the pet store had a rabbit outside for twenty years and she says she has a warming plate outside for him.
tterster wrote:
...We keep her outside. I worry about her being cold but theother night she was in the other section of the cage where there isn'tstraw and her food and water are. Go figure. Now how long did it takeyour bunnies to stop pooping and peeing on her hay and sleep area? Shepoops all in the hay /sleep area. Please email me anytime. I would loveto hear from anyone who could offer me any kind of advice on bunnies.Orif you have a good rabbit book suggestion that you couldgiveme. Thanks so much for your time.
We live in Point Pleasant and we have five rabbits inhutches. They, too, spend most their time in the "opensection" of the hutch, as opposed to the sleeping/feeding/hay/strawarea, so I think your assumption that she is not too cold might be acorrect one. Mine have retreated to the sleeping area duringreally bad inclement weather, like snowstorms, though.

Due to their propensity to spend a majority of their time in the opensection, I have produced plexiglas and/or wooden panels to insert inthe screened in portions of the hutch, "storm" windows, or panels, ifyou will. I don't know if they really need them, but it suremakes me feel better for them when they are out in the backyard! LOL

I start to get concerned when temperatures approach zero degrees, andmight then bring them inside, although breeders in other parts of thecountry and Canada certainly have their buns experience conditions muchmore severe. We have lost two buns in the past to heatrelated incidents, as opposed to none to the cold, if that gives you arelative idea of temperature induced problems?

Straw(hollow) tends to be a better insulator than hay. Besure to check water bottles, the tubes of which freeze very easily, andsubstitute water crocks, if necessary. You may have to changeout water crocks two, three times a day.

Buns need water. It is critical. If they cannotdrink, they will not eat. They need to eat to maintain bodytemperature out in the cold. I give each of ours about a tsp of BlackSunflower Seeds daily when temperatures are low. BlackSunflower Seeds are considered a "hot feed,"(contrindicated, therefore,in the summer) and serve to readily convert calories into body heat.

With reference to your other questions, I would suggest reading thepost/thread entitled A Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care created byour moderator, Carolyn. It will cover many areas, not onlythose you have asked about, but some that may not have even occurred toyou, yet.

Welcome to the Forum!

From another New Jersyan,

Buck Jones
If the bunny is in the open cage part, I doubtit's cold! My bunnies sit in the open but go into their insulated boxesstuffed with straw on cold nights. A rabbit should be fine if it's wellout of moisture and drafts. I too put 'storm windows' in but I leavesome open for air circulation.

And that's a good point about straw and hay, straw is a better insulator (unless it's hay that's gone to straw [yellowed hay]).
Annkierst I have my bunny Bindy inside all thetime and she uses her litter tray in her hutch, Her hutch is ratherroomy, instead of a plastic tray I am using one of my ceramic bakingdishes LOL

It's heavy so she can't move it and her training seems to of picked up in the past couple of days :)