Well-Known Member
So.. here's a post full of explanations.. and other stuff..
Many of ya'll know I do Derby...The drive involved in it has cost me lots of things..I won't go into everything it's cost me...
It's also made me pretty combative..
Someone on here a few months back posted something of a rather inflammatory nature about me, and it set me off. I took a sabbatical ..
This past week, I realized, that as much as I love derby.. the present situation I am in just is not working for me. I sat in the middle of the floor in the local rink (I am a keyholder,it was closed) and cried my eyes out to the point I was despondent. This was the 4th time in probably a week I had felt like that about derby.
Why you may ask? My life, my MySpace, My Facebook, is not my own.. I have been sanctioned for posts, for pics, for friends I add. I have to watch what I wear, what I say, what I do. I am not paid for this, it is a hobbie, and the things I do, are on a volunteer basis.
Our leader, is a pot smoking pill popper who mismanages us. Our head coach, her boyfriend, is actually missing teeth, at a rate of one a week..so when your being told how to live your life, by social rejects and drug heads, it tends to grate on ones nerves..the team captain and I have gotten into it more than once, because frankly, I think I tick her off because I am smarter than her, not only because..I just have a higher intelligence level.. but because I have a clear mind from lack of drugs..
So things came to a head this past Weds. I casually mentioned something to another skater about something she said to me. A statement of fact. I was going to be sanctioned yet again.. for gossip. Gossip is telling BS lies.. statements of fact.. is not gossiping..
Here's an excerpt from my letter of resignation to all the other officers..
"I realized today, when I was skating hard and fast in Vidor, whats holding me back is anxiety. My mental block is only there when I am around *****. Without her.. I am getting better and better, stronger and stronger. I spend all my time sick, with an upset stomach, and wanna puke or crap myself everytime I walk in the practice rink. That's gone now. I can go to the Vidor rink.. and ****** can be there..and the sickies return...so..I think that narrows things down..
I realized.. its not worth it..******* is not worth it. A no account wanna be HOuston Roller Derby Fan Girl who never progressed past a couple of games, not even a full season with the Machete Betties. This league is .. to paraphrase the Lord of the Rings, *A chance for ******, Captain of the Spindletops, to show her quality* You've got something to prove.. and at the expense of the girls..The only reason I didn't lay you out tonight, is you are simply not worth the jail time, bail, and court hassles. But you deserve it. God knows you deserve a sound ass whipping.
Tonight is proof positive that life is nothing more than endless repetitions of High School.
As it's said on by everybody who you tick off..this is a Skate-tatorship..and you are the head Dictator..
The thing that amuses me.. truly amuses me. I live my life right.I am fair. I am nice. Drug free. I do whats right and just.. and yet it seems like, when push comes to shove, I actually need to be a liar. a Ganja Fiend, Tweaker..stoned out of my brain..stumbling around to get ahead.
Tell me where that makes sense. It doesn't"
So that being said... I left.
Some of the girls came with me, and the girls who left previously due to the crap..have come aboard. I am good friends with the girl who owns the Vidor rink. Less than a half mile from my house. We have started our own league..
There is 3 types of derby, there is bank track, which is what most people recall from the 70's, then there is flat track WFTDA. which is all athletes and no crowd interaction. It's serious roller derby. Then there is Independents. Basically it is Flat Track with Bank Track Rules. Crowd interaction, pure derby, but alot of vaudeville, WWF Theatrics, and some slapstick. That's what were doing.. most WFTDA based derby girls if given the option, would rather skate independent, because it's hella fun, and not so serious.
My former team captain is also well aware of the fact, that this, most likely, is the beginning of the end for her team..if given the choice as well..the public will vote with the ticket money.. and they will go for the entertainment value.
So.. this is what we got.. Our league Mascot is a Pirate girl.. thigh high boots with wheels and stoppers on them..sword..stuff like that..
Here's the slogans we have up in the air..
"What happens on the Ship, stays on the Ship"
"Ship Happens"
"Up from the foam and bad to the bone"
Yes I know we jacked all the HS football teams slogans..
So.. we also want to incorporate area..
Here's the options..
Gulf Coast
The OC
So do we just go *Gulf Coast RollerGirls* and leave the pirate girl as mascot..
Or get more creative and be all "Maelstrom Mollies"
Anybody got any cool Pirate name Ideas for me?
As for me.. I already have a nifty new derby name.. shedding my old one..
LunaSea..Say it real fast.. you'll get it.
Peg- thanks for puttin the idea in my head..
Many of ya'll know I do Derby...The drive involved in it has cost me lots of things..I won't go into everything it's cost me...
It's also made me pretty combative..
Someone on here a few months back posted something of a rather inflammatory nature about me, and it set me off. I took a sabbatical ..
This past week, I realized, that as much as I love derby.. the present situation I am in just is not working for me. I sat in the middle of the floor in the local rink (I am a keyholder,it was closed) and cried my eyes out to the point I was despondent. This was the 4th time in probably a week I had felt like that about derby.
Why you may ask? My life, my MySpace, My Facebook, is not my own.. I have been sanctioned for posts, for pics, for friends I add. I have to watch what I wear, what I say, what I do. I am not paid for this, it is a hobbie, and the things I do, are on a volunteer basis.
Our leader, is a pot smoking pill popper who mismanages us. Our head coach, her boyfriend, is actually missing teeth, at a rate of one a week..so when your being told how to live your life, by social rejects and drug heads, it tends to grate on ones nerves..the team captain and I have gotten into it more than once, because frankly, I think I tick her off because I am smarter than her, not only because..I just have a higher intelligence level.. but because I have a clear mind from lack of drugs..
So things came to a head this past Weds. I casually mentioned something to another skater about something she said to me. A statement of fact. I was going to be sanctioned yet again.. for gossip. Gossip is telling BS lies.. statements of fact.. is not gossiping..
Here's an excerpt from my letter of resignation to all the other officers..
"I realized today, when I was skating hard and fast in Vidor, whats holding me back is anxiety. My mental block is only there when I am around *****. Without her.. I am getting better and better, stronger and stronger. I spend all my time sick, with an upset stomach, and wanna puke or crap myself everytime I walk in the practice rink. That's gone now. I can go to the Vidor rink.. and ****** can be there..and the sickies return...so..I think that narrows things down..
I realized.. its not worth it..******* is not worth it. A no account wanna be HOuston Roller Derby Fan Girl who never progressed past a couple of games, not even a full season with the Machete Betties. This league is .. to paraphrase the Lord of the Rings, *A chance for ******, Captain of the Spindletops, to show her quality* You've got something to prove.. and at the expense of the girls..The only reason I didn't lay you out tonight, is you are simply not worth the jail time, bail, and court hassles. But you deserve it. God knows you deserve a sound ass whipping.
Tonight is proof positive that life is nothing more than endless repetitions of High School.
As it's said on by everybody who you tick off..this is a Skate-tatorship..and you are the head Dictator..
The thing that amuses me.. truly amuses me. I live my life right.I am fair. I am nice. Drug free. I do whats right and just.. and yet it seems like, when push comes to shove, I actually need to be a liar. a Ganja Fiend, Tweaker..stoned out of my brain..stumbling around to get ahead.
Tell me where that makes sense. It doesn't"
So that being said... I left.
Some of the girls came with me, and the girls who left previously due to the crap..have come aboard. I am good friends with the girl who owns the Vidor rink. Less than a half mile from my house. We have started our own league..
There is 3 types of derby, there is bank track, which is what most people recall from the 70's, then there is flat track WFTDA. which is all athletes and no crowd interaction. It's serious roller derby. Then there is Independents. Basically it is Flat Track with Bank Track Rules. Crowd interaction, pure derby, but alot of vaudeville, WWF Theatrics, and some slapstick. That's what were doing.. most WFTDA based derby girls if given the option, would rather skate independent, because it's hella fun, and not so serious.
My former team captain is also well aware of the fact, that this, most likely, is the beginning of the end for her team..if given the choice as well..the public will vote with the ticket money.. and they will go for the entertainment value.
So.. this is what we got.. Our league Mascot is a Pirate girl.. thigh high boots with wheels and stoppers on them..sword..stuff like that..
Here's the slogans we have up in the air..
"What happens on the Ship, stays on the Ship"
"Ship Happens"
"Up from the foam and bad to the bone"
Yes I know we jacked all the HS football teams slogans..
So.. we also want to incorporate area..
Here's the options..
Gulf Coast
The OC
So do we just go *Gulf Coast RollerGirls* and leave the pirate girl as mascot..
Or get more creative and be all "Maelstrom Mollies"
Anybody got any cool Pirate name Ideas for me?
As for me.. I already have a nifty new derby name.. shedding my old one..
LunaSea..Say it real fast.. you'll get it.
Peg- thanks for puttin the idea in my head..