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Today I took Nepo out on hisleash (not for the first time). I just let him walk around without meholding the leash and having to run,but I follow him to makesure he doesn't get into trouble.Ithink a hawk was watchingus:shock:. Or maybe it was a bird this time, but I'm pretty sure thereis an hawk (or aneagle I don't really know the difference,maybe that an eagle is bigger) watching us. I came upon a fewquestions
.1.Do grass seeds count as pesticides? 2.Does exercise makea bunny less fat? 3. Has anyone heard of guava? (it's a fruit) well canbunnies eat it? I'm asking because I have a guava tree and I took afruit that was about to fall and put it on a tableandwhenI came back Nepowas eatingit!
I have given Nepo guava before but nothing has happened.Guava is green and white on the inside.
Today I started giving Nepo less food because Iwas giving him a lot. And I kind of think it wasn't enough, but ifthat's how much he is supposed to eat then me and Nepo will have toadjust. I also gave him bite sized pieces of celery and he really likedit.
I really wanted to take pictures of him roaming free outside but I couldn't find the digital camera.
Today I started giving Nepo less food because Iwas giving him a lot. And I kind of think it wasn't enough, but ifthat's how much he is supposed to eat then me and Nepo will have toadjust. I also gave him bite sized pieces of celery and he really likedit.
I really wanted to take pictures of him roaming free outside but I couldn't find the digital camera.