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Right now, people are shooting off fireworks for Independece day. Which for my brave puppy Jake means hiding next to my wife. The city had a nice fireworks display last night. My wife, son and his girlfriend went to them and watched them on the football field they shoot them from with my inlaws and sister inlaw and her family. I stayed home, I didn't feel like fighting traffic and carrying chairs for a 20 minute display. We live close enough that I rode a bike down to where I could see them and got back a lot faster then my wife did.

I thought I would put some recent pictures of the baby's. Finally, they all have names too. Bunny number 1 is Houdini, since she is always escaping, Bunny 2 the one we are going to keep we are going to call Honey and Bun 3 is going to be called Carly Sue.

Bunny Pile and Sweetie


Houdini in Pudges cage getting groomed.




One of the baby's nibbling on Aunt Daisy's hay.




OMG - they sure grew up fast. I'm sure Miss Daisy was so thrilled to share her hay.....NOT.
I think Tiny is in love with Daisy, he was looking a bit sad this afternoon, so I let him out and he went over and sat next to Daisy's cage. Tried to groom her and got as close as he could. I may have to buy a stuffed bunny toy and let Daisy chin it and put it in the cage with him to keep him company.

Now something else about Tiny. If you don't know he is a REW nethie and nethie's were never told they are the smallest bunny's in the world. Tiny a 2 pound bun and Titan a 20 pound Flemmie were out together, side by side, being good. All of a sudden Titan bolts for his cage looking terrified. I go to look at where he was with Tiny and I see Tiny with a mouth of black fur in his mouth. Poor Mr. Titan.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
Karen - your post is so spot-on about bunnies and grief. Miss Bea was really upset when Tiny passed and for days she didn't want to eat and she left the room to be around other bunnies so she wouldn't be where they had been (I understand that now).

Bunnies do grieve...and its up to us to try and help them out.

I know, right? Our rabbits have such huge personalities at all other times, and they are so social. Why should we think theywouldn't respond at all to the loss of a "friend"? Rudy had nowhere near the relationship with Velvet that Tiny and Miss Bea had, but they were part of the same herd, or "warren". It would be like losing your neighbor, or a classmate. You would always be reminded of them. (Poor Miss Bea! I know they were way more than "friends".)

Rabbits pay more attention to each other than we give them credit for. Even sitting in a bunny loaf, facing each other, is considered very companionable, even if you aren't right next to each other.

I agree with everything said. My Patrick has had to go through two losses, Benjamin and Luna. I gave him a stuffy baby-doll bunny to be his companion after Benjamin passed. Patrick spent so much time grooming it and laying with it that I had to find him a new partner asap. Luna was his true love, and her loss was exceptionally hard for him. I am only thankful I had a trio with Baby Zappa to ease some of his grieving for Luna. Patrick had me in tears for both losses because they were so hard for him.

I don't know who feels the loss more, the bunners or us, but if he hurt half as much as I did with each loss, my heart just breaks all the more seeing him mourn.

:hug:to poor little Rudy.

Name change in the baby flemmie line up. Carly Sue, not sure I really like that name and I picked it out, has been changed to licorice. It seems to suit her better too. My daughter came up with the new name, so being daddy's princess, I was easily over ruled.
the babies are so cutee! how much will they weigh when they are full grown?
Yeah I thought she looked like one of yours. The heat has been unbearable. I hope he/she is ok out there...
To me, that looks like a cottontail. How big was it? It just has the same boxy face as a cottontail. I hope, whatever it is, that it's keeping cool!
kherrmann3 wrote:
To me, that looks like a cottontail. How big was it? It just has the same boxy face as a cottontail. I hope, whatever it is, that it's keeping cool!

I thought of that, too. It's just that we really don't see many cottontails around here, surprisingly. Mostly it's the wild brown bunnies. Their coatsdon't even turn very light in the winter. (Plus it's obviously not cold right now anywho!) Obviously a very beautiful specimen, but it looks more light grey than brown. Maybe it's the lighting.

We got some huge downpours today, so at least the bun can get some water!

Some of the cottontails around here are grayer than others. It seems like the little baby bunlets are more brown than the adults. There have been little ones all over the place around here! I hadn't seen many earlier this year!
My first thought was....LILY!

Now I need to 'splain something to me...please. (As Ricky Ricardo would say...'Splain this...

Why is it that Sweetie will have 3-4 kits per litter - and her darling daughter Nyx has....13 (First litter) - and even after promising to have a smaller litter - has...


I would say it is our Texas water....but my holland lop doe only had four...

Anyway - Sweetie and Titan are grandparents again...as are you two.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
What really surprised about the bun was I have never seen any wild buns ever lay down like that. They are usually sitting up ready to run.
I wish I had pictures of the cottontails that are by my parent's house. Rarely, you would see them sprawled out like that under some bushes. It had to be hot for them to be cooling themselves! We would also see cottontail binkies in the early morning.
kherrmann3 wrote:
We would also see cottontail binkies in the early morning.

:inlove: Awww! Happy wild bunners!!

A couple of weeks ago I spotted two wild brown buns in our back yard (Obviously our DOGS hadn't seen them yet or started the yap-yap-yapping). One did about 6 binikies back and forth over his companion, boing, boing, boing. So adorable! Gotta love the spirit of buns...even the wild ones can't hold their joy inside. :happyrabbit:
Well here is one of my new fancy hayracks. It was the decorative molding on a light we make where I work. It was being scrapped so I though it would make a good hayrack.


Some photo's of the baby's just before we went to rabbit club and got their tattoos. Which I must report they were not too thrilled about getting. I did give them some banana chips to ease their ouchy ears.






Tonight when I was feeding bunny's and refilling water bottles Miss Houdini jumped out, big surprise, and was met by Auntie Pudge. Aunti Pudge gave her the grooming of her life!

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