Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you are all okay. How are you guys feeling now? Sometimes it does take a couple of days before you have any effect.
***TEST UPDATE!!!***
Thanks to all (especially Finn, AKA Mr. Airplane Ears, and Milina...and their Mama, Peg) for your prayers and good wishes. I was a nervous wreck all week and am glad that my final is OVER!!
Needless to say, I bawled the entire 45 minute drive.
Now's the hard part....I need to find a JOB.
***TEST UPDATE!!!***
Thanks to all (especially Finn, AKA Mr. Airplane Ears, and Milina...and their Mama, Peg) for your prayers and good wishes. I was a nervous wreck all week and am glad that my final is OVER!!
I felt pretty good after the exam, there were just a few questions (out of 50) that I was a little fuzzy on. I am pretty sure I got at least a 'B' :bunnydance: :bunnydance:
I had quite a day, so doing pretty well on the test was a victory for that reason, if nothing else. We were down to 1 car (3 drivers ). The Mercury Cougar...totalled in the accident Sunday. The Wagon, AKA, BunnyMobile...totally konked out on me Tuesday when I was an hour away from home, and is slated for repairs over the weekend. Well, Josh's cute little Miata convertible decided to act up AN HOUR AND A HALF before I had to be at school for my exam! And it takes AN HOUR to get there. :shock: :bawl: :faint: ullhair: :X
Fortunately, my "adopted daughter" Cally (Josh's girlfriend), was nearby and brought him over to take a look at it. We got it going, BUT IN THE MEANTIME, Josh and I 'GOT INTO IT'. (Parent speak for, I wanted to take one of his crutches and bang him over the head with it! :X:X ) So, I was hot and sweaty from waiting for them to come help with the car, nervous about the test, frustrated because I didn't get to review the last few things I'd planned to, extremely angry with my son, and in very real danger of being late for class. I stopped to see my husband anyway, because I needed a quick word of encouragement.
Needless to say, I bawled the entire 45 minute drive.
("I thought you said it takes an hour to get there??" It does. I drove that little car WAY TOO FAST, especially since I could hardly see through tears.)
The car ride was kind of what I needed, I guess. I had the top down, my hair flying, speeding down the interstate with tears streaming down my face. But when I got to my destination, my face and my emotions were NUMB. (Have you ever speeded down the highway in a convertible for almost an hour? You feel like you don't have any blood left in your face. ) I looked like h*ll, but I marched in there with 5 minutes to spare, and said, "LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH!!!"
Now's the hard part....I need to find a JOB.
Oh, btw, after the test, the Miata failed to start.
Squeee, babies! They are beautiful. :hearts
That's wonderful one of babies may have a new home. Hmm... all the car talk about the bunny mobile makes my head spin, lol. I know nothing about cars, it's like talking a different language to me. You seem to know what your doing though, which is always nice.
Poor Rudy. I hope he is able to cope with Velvet's passing and get back to his old self again! Sending head scratchies his way... :bunnyhug:
I hope the ladies figure out who's boss soon! You don't need anymore bunny drama there! You've got enough on your plate!
I also hope that things sort themselves out soon! :clover:
Karen - your post is so spot-on about bunnies and grief. Miss Bea was really upset when Tiny passed and for days she didn't want to eat and she left the room to be around other bunnies so she wouldn't be where they had been (I understand that now).
Bunnies do grieve...and its up to us to try and help them out.