Well today was an interesting day. It all started with wabbitmom's stupid cat getting the door to garage open. If you don't latch it right it will close, but a determined cat can get it open. After he got the door open, someone had left the overhead light on in the garage which lit up the living room where I fell asleep. He did this twice at about half hour intervals.
Once I got him back in the second time, I had laid back down on the couch only to be awaken a few minutes later by a call from work telling me the network was down. So off I go, I got the call at 4am and was in work by 450. After a morning of chaos of network problems, I got to pick up the mail because the person who normally does it had something personal come up and the backup person was out so I had to drive back downtown and back to the plant.
I had about 4 hours of sleep and managed to get through the day on only 2 cans of Mountain Dew. Before I left work I decided that I was going to get a couple of the buns and go out to the bun run and just relax. It became windy and a little cool, but it was relaxing and Blueberry and Nibbles had a good time. I got thumped at several times by Nibbles and a couple of times by Blueberry when I went to gather them up to go inside.
Just like people as you all know bunny's have their little peculiar behaviors. Rudy, a fluffy french lop, is very well litter trained and I leave his cage open in the evenings. Every evening before I turn of the lights to the bunny room, I give their treat. One night it might be craisens, banana chips or pineapple. Tonight it was banana chips, Rudys favorite. Sometimes he will paw through his cage wires even though his door is open. Smooshes his cute little face as if this is the only food he has seen all day.
Well tonight I was handing out the treats and being that I sometimes forget why I came into a room or get distracted and forget what I was about to do, I go around the room in a certain order. Tonight that wasn't good enough for Rudy, he came hopping out to get his banana chip before the other three ahead of him. Now some of my buns if they are out at treat time will eat the treat right where they are when I give it to them. Rudy is not like that at all, he came up to me, let me know he was there, I gave him his banana chip and he promptly turned around, hopped back to his cage and then ate it.
Then came back out and acted like I forgot him when I went to his brothes on the other side of him. I got a telescoped french lop looking at me with a face that said "excuse me I think you forgot me!" I told him no you got yours and he sits down and hops back into his cage.
I try to remember the important lessons by bunny's display to me everyday. They are happy they have food and water, someone cares for them and they have a place to call their own, they have toys that the have a lot of fun with toysthat don't cost a small fortune. I have food on my plate, water and milk to drink (some Mountain Dew too), a warm house in the winter and a cool house in the summer. I have someone who cares for me, I have close on my back, shoes on my feet.
Some times I get focused on what I want or need and not how blessed I am with the things I have.
Smile a lot it will drive people bonkers wondering what your up to. Well I need to go to bed. My typing is no longer making coherent sense so I will stop.
Good night all or good morning.