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:woohooThe books my loving wife (wabbitmom) ordered came in yesterday just as promised by Binkybunny.com. The box didn't come to the plant I work in, it came to the other plant.

I got some kidding about what binkybunny.com was, some wouldn't believe me it was a website for rabbit stuff.

The books came at the right time. I had just finished with my RabbitsUSA magazine, so I was in need of new reading material.

I've got to go, but I will update on what is going on with Blueberry and digging in her litter.
LuvaBun wrote:
I totally agree with you there! Oh, and I get the glazed eye look quite often - doesn't stop me, though ;)

Oh, and ticks ...uughhh!! Nasty, horrible, evil little buggers!!!


:yeahthat: Ah.... the glazed look.... usually followed by, "How much do you spend on them?!!!," when I say that I drive my rabbits to a different city for vet care and go over their assortment of veggies and fruits they like to eat. That is usually followed be the shake of the head and the walk away, or the comment, "I would never spend that much on a dog, much less a rabbit!!"

You are right, Dave, these people don't know how good it feels to have a rabbit trust and love them. Respect.... when we respect our rabbits for who they are and the goodness they bring into our lives, they respect/love us back. Who can't fall in love with that....?

Been there done that. My response is lost count but they are worth it.

myheart wrote:
LuvaBun wrote:
I totally agree with you there! Oh, and I get the glazed eye look quite often - doesn't stop me, though ;)

Oh, and ticks ...uughhh!! Nasty, horrible, evil little buggers!!!


:yeahthat: Ah.... the glazed look.... usually followed by, "How much do you spend on them?!!!," when I say that I drive my rabbits to a different city for vet care and go over their assortment of veggies and fruits they like to eat. That is usually followed be the shake of the head and the walk away, or the comment, "I would never spend that much on a dog, much less a rabbit!!"

You are right, Dave, these people don't know how good it feels to have a rabbit trust and love them. Respect.... when we respect our rabbits for who they are and the goodness they bring into our lives, they respect/love us back. Who can't fall in love with that....?

Here is an update on Ms. Blueberry and her digging in the litter box. I no longer have it secured to the corner, so she has been moving it around. She is still kicking some out but now I think there must be something happening during the day to spook her. Because it seems to be like she is scarred and trying to dig a hole to be safe.

I put an empty Oatmeal tube/container in her cage with both ends cut out for a safe house. It seems to be helping. When I cleaned cages Saturday there wasn't as much kicked out as before.

When I was cleaning cages Saturday, Titan, Thumper, Carmel, Mr. Tiny and Rudy were all out. Nobody really bothered each other too much. But Rudy chased them all away from his cage several times. First time in ages that I heard him grunt/snort at any of the other bunny's. It was cute, Rudy charging with his short chubby front feet.:)

Later I had Titan and Ms. Sweetie out and it reminded me of the cat and pepe le pew from the cartoons. Sweetie would race down the hall into the living room and Titan would slowly but steadily hop after her. He would catch up to her and she would be a black blur going back down the hallway. They repeated this several times until I had to put both of them back.

On a side note, send some good vibes to Wabbitmom (aka Karen) she is really getting depressed about the lack of job opportunities.The unemployment checks aredone in June unless she gets a 3 month extension, unlikely though its running out of money. Thanks Dave
The buns were extra good yesterday for Mothers day. They all behaved themselves and Moo Moo was a very good girl when Wabbitmom held her. Everything was fine except for Wabbitmoms top that went from abrown to a beige with all of the white fur.

I held Baby and I think the two buns like watching Deadliest Catch on the Discovery channel. They were very good buns during the show or maybe it was all the head pets they were getting I don't know.

Well first I need to rant!

I have been donating plasma to supplement the family income while my wife is out of work. Due to a technician being in a hurry (suppose to be a supervisor) and not following procedures I cannot donate for 8 weeks!:X I have been getting about $200 per month. This is how I was going to pay for my dental work that I have to be done. I called and got the assistant manager who refused to believe that the technician did anything wrong and it was the machine despite what I said. Despite pointing out what another technician said to the other when she made the mistake the manager refuse to listen. All I got was we have taken measures to prevent this in the future. Yesterday when I say the "assistant manager" she was handing out files. So not I am screwed unless I sell some things on craigslist.

Ok done. The buns have been very good lately a little too good if you know what I mean. I think their plotting something!

I noticed the other day that that Velvet, blue flemish doe, looked like she was lining a corner of her cage with hay and pushing things around in that corner. I went in to check on when I got home from work and fur was missing from her bluetiful dewlap. I am thinking this has to be a false pregnancy because I haven't had her and Thumper out at the same time. There was only this one time where she was out and in the living room and I opened Thumperscage to feed him and he bolted out. I yelled at my daughter to make sure they didn't get close as I ran down the hallway after him. She says they didn't, I didn't seem them do anything.

Believe me I am notan irresponsible rabbit owner, especially when it comes to breeding and although I would love some blue flemmie kits its not the time for it. So I am thinking this has to be a false pregnancy.

I told Velvet I want a name and if she is preggers he has to marry her! I am old fashioned!

Tomorrow I go in for some major overdue dental work. They have to pull some teeth and are using "conscious sedation" never had it before. One friend told me that I wouldn't remember is on Saturday and when they numb my gums I would feel anything either. That just the way I want it!
Thanks I am hoping the dental work goes quickly, smoothly and as painless as possible.

I didn't have a chance to check on her this morning. We had some big thunderstorms during the night and where I work lost power. So I had to come in very very early and get the network back up.

I haven't heard anything from Wabbitmom, so nothing must have happened or changed.
Sorry to hear about the problems you're having with donating Plasma - $200 is a lot to lose, especially with Karen losing her job. I'm sending positive thoughts to you both.

Let's hope Velvet is just having a false alrm (although blue baby Flemmies would b adorable. And i here you about the dental work - I need a new crown, but Shadow having been ill has taken the money for that. Still, I don't mind delaying my visit to the dentist ;)

Friday was quite a day! Got through the dentist o.k. Only two of the teeth that had to be extracted were painful. A couple of weeks ago, when I was at the dentist he said he wanted to pull two teeth in particular because he was afraid they would develop abscesses. Well I guess one did, because when he pulled it, it really hurt. He told me when he extracted it the abcess had burst. Yea Vicodin!:) I had to have a full upper denture done. It was cheaper then having some of the teetch crowned.

So now its like trying to eat and drink with a mouth guard in.

Well now onto the bunny's. I think Velvet had a false preggers, no more nest building and fur pulling. So no little flemmies hopping around. The rest of the herd is doing well. The kids are going to clean cages for me today because of my ouchy mouth. Normally, I do it, but although I am feeling better I don't want to push it.

Well still feeling out of sorts, so I think I will lay down and rest before I head to the feed store for bunny supplies.

Hey Dave, I was just reading through some of your blog...and first of all wanted to say (a very belated) Happy Birthday!! :party:

And to say Holy Cow:)shock:) about the cell phone incident! LOL...y'know, you could've had some fun with that one if you were getting really frustrated by all of the calls, esp. with the Russian mafia dude. hhhmmm...then again, maybe not...;)

Sending out some good vibes and some :pray: to Karen on the job search. It's a tough thing to go through, especially these days.

And I hope you're feeling better soon from this latest round of dental procedures. I'm not sure if the 'conscious sedation' that you refered to is something I've had done in the past, but it does sound similar. I had to have a couple of wisdom teeth extracted when I was in my 20s, one was impacted and lying on my jaw so I had to go to the hospital to have it done. I was terrified, petrified, rigimortified(!) to have any type of dental stuff done, so when the dental surgeon told me that I'd be awake but not really too aware, and that I might even fall asleep, I thought, 'yeah, right buddy...fall asleep!?! Who're you trying to kid?' Well, after they gave me the stuff he said, 'Okay, so let's take a look and see what's going on in there' and went to pry my clenched mouth open. I thought he was taking an awfully long time 'just looking', but then he said, 'Well, that's it...you're done'. HUH? Turns out I went out like a light and only woke up when he'd finished. I was so happy to learn this that I almost leaped out of the chair, and when he asked me if I was okay I smiled and said 'Absolutely' and then proceeded to walk face first into the wall.

So yep, I like that stuff too. (And vicodan; never had it, but it sounds like a dental patient's truly bestest friend! :biggrin2:)

Bunny hugs to you and Karen, and all of your bunny bretheren! :bunnyhug:

The buns are doing o.k., I am not in as much pain as I thought I would after my dental work. I had upper dentures put in and a couple of teeth pulled on the bottom, that the dentist thought would abcess. Well from from my initial visit a couple of weeks ago until Friday, one or both did.

None of the tooth extractions hurt except for the bottom two. I was awake enough to say that hurt and hesaid I am not surprised. The tooth had abcessed and when he pulled it the abcess broke. Today my mouth itches, all the stitches healing etc. I guess.

I think it is going to bean interesting day or two. I just heard a comotion in the bunny room and Rudy who is normallyMr. Mellow was fightingwithVelvet. Velvet has taken all the hay out of her hay rack and stuffed into a corner of her cage. She also has come out into the living room and taken a small roll of paper towel back to her cage and put into the corner.

So did I say false preggres? I still think so, but boy she isgoing likecrazy on building a nest. Like most things, since this is not the time, she probably is! I still am not sure how it happened, but boy she sure is acting like it.

Well if this is a false preggers she is going all out! She doesn't look pregnant, but never having a pregnant rabbit before, well one that I KNEW was pregnant. Sweetie doesn't count, she came to us preggers without us knowing that.

Here is a picture of her nest.


She has been working on it all day, I have let her have the run of the house gathering whatever she needed. I did draw the line at my daughters pj's and wabbitmoms blouse and a couple of socks though. She has been using the finest materials, paper towels, phone books, hay. Velvet did try to add a couple of trash-bags, but I pulled those out. She did dump a small waste paper basket over and removed the bag, minus the contents of course. Her once bluetiful dewlap is now very bare.

Now I am hoping that she is preggers as it would be nice to have the sounds of dozens of little flemmie paws around the house but also not as I don't have a lot of room to work with in the room to enlarge her area. But eh, if she is pregnant and has kits we will adapt as the Borg say (star trek fans know what I am talking about)! I just kickone of mykids out of there room for a few months!;)

Y'know, it amazes me what they will use to make a nest - remembering Tiny's Mom's Darla and the underwear ;).

She has done a good job there, if it is just a false alarm. If she is actually pregnant, then I think she has done it for you and Karen, to cheer you up ;)


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