Hey Dave, I was just reading through some of your blog...and first of all wanted to say (a
very belated) Happy Birthday!!

And to say Holy Cow


about the cell phone incident! LOL...y'know, you could've had some fun with that one if you were getting really frustrated by all of the calls, esp. with the Russian mafia dude. hhhmmm...then again, maybe not...
Sending out some good vibes and some

ray: to Karen on the job search. It's a tough thing to go through, especially these days.
And I hope you're feeling better soon from this latest round of dental procedures. I'm not sure if the 'conscious sedation' that you refered to is something I've had done in the past, but it does sound similar. I had to have a couple of wisdom teeth extracted when I was in my 20s, one was impacted and lying on my jaw so I had to go to the hospital to have it done. I was terrified, petrified, rigimortified(!) to have any type of dental stuff done, so when the dental surgeon told me that I'd be awake but not really too aware, and that I might even fall asleep, I thought, 'yeah, right buddy...fall asleep!?! Who're you trying to kid?' Well, after they gave me the stuff he said, 'Okay, so let's take a look and see what's going on in there' and went to pry my clenched mouth open. I thought he was taking an awfully long time 'just looking', but then he said, 'Well, that's it...you're done'. HUH? Turns out I went out like a light and only woke up when he'd finished. I was so happy to learn this that I almost leaped out of the chair, and when he asked me if I was okay I smiled and said 'Absolutely' and then proceeded to walk face first into the wall.
So yep, I like that stuff too. (And vicodan; never had it, but it sounds like a dental patient's truly bestest friend! :biggrin2
Bunny hugs to you and Karen, and all of your bunny bretheren! :bunnyhug: