Vestibular Incidents - Intermittent (seizures?) Possible ear infection?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Fenton, Michigan, USA
3ish Male Holland Lop, neutered, part of bonded pair.

Backstory - this is my friends bunny and about 3.5 weeks ago, he had what she described as a seizure in the middle of the night. She took him to the emergency vet clinic and by the time she arrived, he was acting completely fine. They did complete blood work. He hadslightlyelevated glucose at the time which they attributed to stress and slightly elevated white blood cell count. They sent out the test for e.cunicula in and it came back negative. In the meantime, they started him on baytril thinking that maybe there was some type of inner ear infection and they also gave him panacur (just in case, I guess). He finished the baytril about a week ago.

I am bunny sitting for her at the moment and she brought the rabbits to my house several days ago. Today he had another episode. He started by running in small circles and then it became more like a seizure. It lasted quite a while (20 minutes) and he seemed a bit better when I held him so I did. When it was over, I put him back in his cage and he was acting normal- eating hay, sitting in the litter box. I took him back to the emergency vet this morning. Sheexamined him and suggested that we restart the baytril which we are doing. She suggested that the next step might be to take him to his vet and give him a more thorough exam including sedating him and doing head x-rays to see if they can spot anything. The fact that he acts so completely normal before and after these episodes and that they were so far apart kind of had the vet stumped.

Has anyone every heard of this happening before and if so, what is the best course of action? My friend comes back on Wednesday so I have them for a few more days here. He seems fine at the moment and I will be giving him baytril twice a day now.The vet's diagnosis was "vestibular - suspect otitis interna". Any thoughts from anyone with a similar experience?
I am not sure seizures are usually related to ear infection. The rest sounds like it could be an ear infection though. I think it would be good to get head x-rays.
I have no experience with this but it sounds like you are doing everything you can for him. It's funny bc I know you dont post often and I just happened to pop in and see this.
I would think head xrays would be best. I doubt the baytril will have much of an effect on him. Wish I could be of more help. You are awesome for taking such good care of him.
Miss you!!
Hi Haley!

Nike (the rabbit with the "vestibular incident") seems to be doing fine at the moment. I've talked to his owner and she may take him to a different vet when she returns. She will be back tomorrow and can take him on Thursday or Friday. In the meantime, giving him baytril is quite a struggle but we seem to have worked out a good way to accomplish it, and he's eating, running around, drinking and most importantly, pooping.

Next time I offer to pet sit, someone kick me please;)(just kidding, I'd do it again...probably.)

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