We are going to have to find a new home forPristine. My new baby is keeping me way too busy and Pristineisnt' getting the love and attention that she deserves.
This is so heartbreaking. I love her somuch. I just can't stand to see her so neglected. 
Lissa, that sounds wonderful! You know, the first few months afterhaving a baby are the most hectic, but it does settle downeventually...so you never know; you might be in a position to takePristine back at a later date.Update...we found someone local who is going to takePristine in where she can have full run of the house. I'm sohappy and so heartbroken at the same time. At least with herbeing so close I will be able to visit her. The guy has hadbunnies before and he really loves them. I wouldn't trust herwith anyone but him. I think it will work out reallywell. I'm so glad. He even said that we can haveher back if in the future things settle down at our place. Inthe meantime, this baby is keeping us so busy.